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CHIPS Articles: 80 Years of Excellence for the Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology Community

80 Years of Excellence for the Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology Community
By Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Collection, James D. Eaton, Lead Chief Petty Officer, Navy Cryptologic Office (N9), U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. TENTH Fleet - January-March 2015
Happy 80th anniversary of the founding of the Navy’s cryptologic/ information warfare community! March 11, 1935 marked the standup of the Navy’s Communications Security Group, which was later renamed the Naval Security Group. The date is observed as the birth of Navy cryptology with the first use of the “group” moniker that would last seven decades until the evolution that advanced into today’s U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. TENTH Fleet.

The Navy’s modern cryptologic history can be traced back to the first wireless transmission from a U.S. Navy ship in 1899, made possible by the research of Lieutenant Bradley A. Fiske. It truly took sail in October 1928 when the Navy implemented training for its inaugural class of ‘foreign wireless communications intercept’ operators in a blockhouse on the roof of the old Navy Department building, and the “On-the-Roof Gang” was born. At the height of WWII the Naval communication program comprised more than 22,000 officers and 225,000 Sailors. Since that time, cryptologists have played a direct role in every U.S. conflict and have evolved to meet the dynamic challenges of modern cyber warfare. Congratulations to all of our outstanding Shipmates who carry on the storied heritage of Navy cryptology.

Reprinted from the Navy Live Blog. To view the infograph, go to: Navy Live

Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology Community
Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology Community

Member of Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology Community
Member of Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology Community

Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology infograph
Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology infograph
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