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CHIPS Articles: DON Task Force Innovation Working Groups

DON Task Force Innovation Working Groups
By SECNAV Innovation News - July-September 2015
To preserve the operational preeminence of our maritime forces, we must exploit the unlimited ingenuity of our people. The Department will speed the development of new warfighting concepts which quickly leverage rapidly evolving technologies and improve the warfighting effectiveness of current capabilities. To do this, we will lead the nation in adopting emerging capabilities such as Additive Manufacturing, Unmanned Systems, Virtual Training and AI/Robotics, while reducing policy and process barriers that threaten the future of our force...

Accelerate Delivery of Emerging Operational Capabilities to the Fleet and Develop Game-Changing Warfighting Concepts

Throughout history, the Department of the Navy has been at the forefront of emerging technologies. Our best and most innovative days are ahead of us and we shall strive to eliminate barriers that stand in the way of positive change and the fielding of critical capabilities for our warfighters. To confront challenges to our warfighting advantages, we must enhance our ability to share ideas across the enterprise and quickly adopt the most effective solutions.

Fielding emerging operational capabilities has many challenges. Each individual involved is doing their best to serve both the nation and the warfighter, yet sometimes we are discouraged from embracing innovation because of cultures and policies that prioritize process over content. As we increasingly rely on innovative ideas and concepts to resolve some of our greatest challenges and require greater risk taking, we will not reduce focus on the safety of our personnel and accountability to the taxpayer.

Innovation is much more than new technology. Innovation requires a healthy process driven by bold entrepreneurs committed to rapid fielding of new capabilities and improving the effectiveness of legacy systems to maximize warfighting excellence. Passionate personnel from the Department of the Navy will tap into the unrestrained possibilities of this century to deliver critical, force-multiplying products to real warfighters…

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Cover image for DON Task Force Innovation Working Groups PDF
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988