NNE~2016 Strategy Paper Released

Published, May 14, 2008

The DON CIO recently released the DON Naval Networking Environment (NNE)~2016 Strategic Definition, Scope, and Strategy Paper. This document outlines the vision for a robust and highly interconnected enterprise networking capability in the 2016 timeframe to fully support the needs of our warfighters and warfighter-support organizations and personnel. The vision and strategy outlined in the NNE~2016 paper will be used as a guide for ensuring alignment of our networking environment investments across the DON between now and 2016.

The NNE~2016 is an iterative set of integrated, phased programs that will guide the DON toward a future net-centric enterprise environment. This environment consists of a highly secure and reliable enterprise-wide voice, video and data network environment that focuses on the warfighter and provides ubiquitous access to data, services and applications from anywhere in the world. While the NNE~2016 paper primarily focuses on the Department’s long-term goals, it also identifies more immediate opportunities to begin laying the groundwork for the Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN), which will be the replacement for the Navy Marine Corps Intranet contract.

Focus areas identified in the NNE~2016 Strategic Definition, Scope, and Strategy Paper include:

  • Enabler of Warfighting Missions and Functions
  • Information Technology Workforce
  • Information Assurance
  • Enterprise Licensing
  • Legacy Network Environments

View the DON NNE~2016 Strategic Definition, Scope, and Strategy Paper.

TAGS: Enterprise Services, NEN, NGEN, NMCI, NNE

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