DON Multifunctional Device Policy Signed

Published, January 30, 2013

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer established another DON-wide IT efficiency policy in a memorandum signed Jan. 25.

The memo is titled, "Mandatory Guidance Regarding Management of Department of the Navy Copiers, Printers, Fax Machines, Scanners and Multifunctional Devices." It establishes a mandatory enterprise-wide policy to improve management and use (including procurement and disposal) of the department's networked and stand-alone copiers, printers, fax machines, scanners (CPFSs), multifunctional devices (MFDs) that combine CPFS functions in one device. The enterprise-wide contracts will include related consumables and support services. The policy is expected to improve how the department manages and uses its CPFSs and MFDs, resulting in substantial savings for the DON. This policy applies to all DON commands and activities and is effective immediately.

The policy's overall objective is to achieve cost savings. The DON intends to do this by leveraging the already-established efficient procurement and managerial capabilities and processes of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Document Services to reduce use of stand-alone CPFSs, increase use of networked MFDs, and obtain associated consumables and maintenance at reduced cost. DON device managers will work closely with DLA to ensure the cost savings objective is achieved.

The memo establishes the following measures to achieve improved device performance and cost savings objectives:

  • Assessment processes that will set a near optimum mix of CPFS and MFD devices by command/organization;
  • The buying/leasing of these devices, including support, training and consumables, at a significantly lower price than previously achieved;
  • Inventory management processes that will provide enterprise visibility of all DON CPFS and MFDs. This increases the DON's ability to manage these devices strategically and tactically;
  • A customer-oriented culture of service and support, supported by independent third-party surveys;
  • Future DON CPFS and MFD policy development, implementation and management;
  • and the achievement of significant environmental benefits and savings in use of paper and energy.

TAGS: Efficiencies, MFDs

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