Printing Fact #3: Office Equipment: How to Reduce Energy Consumption

Published, September 4, 2012

Fast Fact IconThe Department of the Navy values energy as a strategic resource. One of the DON's major initiatives is to become more energy efficient. There is much to do from an information technology perspective to accomplish this. Office equipment such as computers, printers, fax machines and copiers consume energy even when not in use. By simply using efficient equipment and turning them off when not in use, the DON can significantly reduce its energy consumption. ...

The following table provides a summary of typical electrical power requirements and annual energy use for common office equipment.

Typical Power Requirements and Energy Use of Office Equipment
Equipment Typical Power Requirements (Watts) Annual Energy Cost – Off at Night Annual Energy Cost – On 24 Hours/Day
Computer 55 $9 $39
Monitor (15") 75 $12 $55
Laser Printer 60 $14 $44
Fax Machine 35 $9 $27
Copier (small) 115 $30 $83
Copier (large) 310 $80 $224
Source: Office Equipment Energy Savings Calculator, LBL.

Below are a few simple steps we can take to be better stewards of the environment and the taxpayers’ dollar:

  • If available in your office, use a networked multifunctional device (MFD) that combines the functionality of a printer, scanner, photocopier, fax and email in one, so as to save energy from multiple devices and also to provide centralized document management/distribution/production in a large-office setting;
  • Scan, email or save to a shared folder or site whenever possible to deliver information to a distribution list and avoid the cost of overnight delivery, fax lines and associated cost and use of paper. The use of a shared folder also saves valuable email storage capacity;
  • Turn off monitors, printers and copiers during non-business hours;
  • During periods of inactivity, ensure that the built-in power management system for office equipment is active.

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TAGS: Efficiencies, MFDs