DON Responds to BMA Requirements for FY13

Published, December 17, 2012

Fast Fact IconThe Department of the Navy is implementing changes for the annual review of all systems in the DON Business Mission Area (BMA) beginning in FY13.

The changes come as a result of legislation that has significantly changed the requirements for investment review and certification of defense business systems before appropriated and non-appropriated funds can be obligated. Specifically, Section 2222 of Title 10, U.S. Code, expands the scope of systems requiring certification to include any business system with a total cost in excess of $1M over the future years’ defense program, regardless of appropriation.

To comply with these mandated changes, the DON issued a memorandum, "Fiscal Year 2013 Business Mission Area Process Changes," on 14 November. The intent of this memo is to ensure the DON’s entire BMA portfolio is complying with consistent standards and ensuring the DON is positioned to "get out in front" of the OSD DCMO BMA certification requirements. The memo lays out the following changes to be implemented for the annual review of all systems in the DON BMA beginning in FY13:

  • Program Managers (PMs) are required to establish an Architecture Compliance and Requirements Traceability (ACART) Tool account ( no later than 31 January 2013.
  • Program managers are required to complete the self-assertion portion of the DON Enterprise Architecture (EA) and all other fields in the DoD Information Technology Portfolio Repository-DON (DITPR-DON) no later than 31 March 2013.
  • PMs are required to assert compliance with BEA 10.0 using the ACART Tool and complete all associated mappings on the ARCH Tab in DITPR-DON no later than 31 March 2013.
  • All appropriate stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts (SME) participating in the review of DITPR-DON and DON EA data are required to complete their applicable reviews no later than 15 June 2013.
This accelerated schedule puts the onus on the PMs to actively engage in the process sooner, allowing the Functional Area Managers and SMEs more time to thoroughly review the investments and determine the best value for the DON.

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TAGS: DADMS/DITPR-DON, EA, Investment Management

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