Secretariat Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority

Published, November 8, 2012

With significant reductions in the Department's budgets, finding efficiencies in information technology expenditures has become a priority. In 2011, the Department of the Navy established centralized oversight of IT expenditures via three designated IT Expenditure Approval Authorities (ITEAAs) - one each for the Navy, Marine Corps and DON Secretariat. These authorities are responsible for approving all IT planning, programming, budgeting and expenditure actions for IT software, hardware or services at specified thresholds, with the objective of reducing costs without impacting mission effectiveness.

The DON Secretariat's ITEAA is the DON Chief Information Officer (CIO). In the DON Secretariat, depending on the expected cost, either the ITEAA or the DON's Assistant for Administration (DON/AA) approves IT-related procurements for hardware, software, and services (including telecommunications) before they are executed (excluding supplies and Navy Marine Corps Intranet Continuity of Services Contract items). The DONCIO/ITEAA approves procurements of $100K or more; DON/AA approves those under $100K.

Both the DON CIO and DON/AA are committed to ensuring the Department is not paying for under-utilized, redundant or non-compliant IT. The Secretariat uses the Navy Information Dominance Approval System (NAV-IDAS) to automate its ITEAA process. Additional information regarding use of NAV-IDAS use is available on the Secretariat's shared drive: S:\DONCIO\ITEAA_Secretariat. Note: Membership/employment in the DON Secretariat is required for access.

TAGS: Efficiencies, ITEAA