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CHIPS Articles: DUSN(M) Issues Memo Streamlining Commercial Broadband Deployment Process on DON Property

DUSN(M) Issues Memo Streamlining Commercial Broadband Deployment Process on DON Property
By DON CIO - July 11, 2016
In a June 30, 2016 memo, "Streamlined Process for Commercial Broadband Deployment," Mr. Thomas W. Hicks, Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy (DUSN) for Management, issued guidance that streamlines the process for deployment and expansion of commercial broadband services on Navy and Marine Corps property. "Improving the process by which DON installations are provided the best possible access to commercial broadband systems facilitates future enterprise telecommunications and mobility solutions and enhances the quality of life for Sailors, Marines, civilians, and their families," said Mr. Hicks.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations and Environment and the DON Chief Information Officer led a DON working group for this improvement initiative, which included working with the Wireless Infrastructure Association. The resulting coordination process is designed to reduce the time required for commercial broadband deployment from up to five years to less than one.

View the memo.

Read the Wireless Infrastructure Association press release on this memo.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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