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CHIPS Articles: DISA Hosts Command and Control Interoperability Program Symposium

DISA Hosts Command and Control Interoperability Program Symposium
Enhancing C2 across the Combatant Commands
By DISA News - June 22, 2016
The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) International Relations and Engagement Office hosted the first Command and Control Interoperability Program (C2IP) Symposium at the headquarters, June 13-15.

C2IP provides for the exportation and coordinated implementation of critical information standards with allies and strategic partners, in direct support of the warfighting combatant commanders. The program also supports coalition interoperability and interoperability testing through Joint Interoperability Test Command.

DISA’s International Relations and Engagement Office is the lead agent responsible for the Command and Control Interoperability Boards (CCIBs) assigned to the agency as part of C2IP. The lead agent standardizes the program.

CCIBs usually meet twice a year to exchange United States-approved joint standards and to conduct configuration management based on these standards in order to satisfy the unique command, control, communications, computers and intelligence requirements of the nations involved.

The purpose of the symposium was three-fold:

-- Enhance information sharing across combatant commands.

-- Create a new approach to the program that provides greater flexibility across a dynamic environment.

-- Standardize how CCIBs are managed in a manner that incorporates the unique requirements and challenges that each combatant command must address.

“The symposium fulfilled a requirement in our governing documents,” said Dr. Stephanie McMillan, chief of the International Relations and Engagements Office. “We are required, as a lead agent, to annually coordinate CCIB activity with the combatant commands in order to prioritize our support. So, instead of going to or calling every combatant command, we brought them all together for the symposium. We wanted to enhance information sharing across the community. It was to create a new approach to support the program.”

Attendees, who participated in-person and virtually, provided a C2IP and capability overview briefing about their respective combatant commands.

On the first afternoon of the symposium, Alfred Rivera, director of the Development and Business Center, welcomed the participants and thanked everyone for attending. According to Rivera, C2IP has been in existence for 30 years, and the agency has [approximately] 30 memoranda of agreement in place to support the program; however, the symposium is a first for DISA.

“This is the first time we have had everyone together. We have been going to each combatant command independently and working with them,” said Rivera. “We felt there was a need to have a [symposium] where we could all sit down together and talk about the issues holistically. This does not preclude us from going out and working [with the combatant commands and organizations] individually. It pulls everyone together for the first time to have a symposium to focus on C2IP.”

Rivera acknowledged McMillan and the International Relations and Engagements team for all of the work that went into the planning and execution of the symposium. He also presented International Portfolio Manager Marcus Anderson and Information Technology Specialist Kyle Ray, both from the International Relations and Engagements Office, with employee recognition awards in appreciation for their support and dedication to the C2IP.

When asked about the anticipated outcome from the symposium, Rivera said, “First, I hope the this symposium will [provide] a better understanding of some of the issues that we have to work on collectively, not just individually, but by combat command and organization. Secondly, I hope this collaboration will continue at the corporate level with all of the senior executives.”

According to Rivera, the event provided an opportunity for the agency to take a comprehensive look at some of the issues that need to be addressed.

Attendees were also able to make connections and resolve issues with each other.

“We had more participation than we anticipated,” said McMillan. “It was very comprehensive. There is more synergy when you get the right people in the room.”

“We do not exist in a vacuum; therefore, as we go forward, it is our intent to [be] more transparent and collaborative across a community that includes policy professionals, combatant commands, services, defense agencies, and program offices,” said McMillan.

The 2017 symposium will be held at Pacific Command.

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