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CHIPS Articles: #ArmyNavy Game: Our Navy’s Amphibious Assault Ships and USNA’s Linemen

#ArmyNavy Game: Our Navy’s Amphibious Assault Ships and USNA’s Linemen
By Jason Kelly - December 7, 2015
When our midshipmen take on West Point’s cadets in the 116th Army-Navy Game, the mids will be wearing uniforms that pay homage to seven types of our ships — detailed on seven hand-painted helmets that each player will wear, assigned by position.

As we countdown towards our 14th consecutive victory against Army, we’re sharing how these ships and their Sailors protect and defend America.

So far, we’ve highlighted our submarines (wide receivers) and littoral combat ships (running backs). Today, we continue with the linemen’s amphibious assault ships helmets.

Just as a lineman’s job is to create a hole for a running back or linebacker, these ships are utilized to establish the “beachhead” that enables the invading force to gain access and ultimately accomplish their objective.

The U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps amphibious team represents the most powerful amphibious force of all time, with the world’s most effective ships, aircraft, vehicles, weapons, and personnel to get the job done.

Watch this video to see how the Navy and Marine Corps combine their unique assets to create this winning team.

Join the conversation on social media using #ArmyNavy.

Navy football amphibs helmet
Navy football amphibs helmet

Watch this <a href="" alt='Link will open in a new window.' target='whole'>video</a> to see how the Navy and Marine Corps combine their unique assets to create this winning team.
Watch this video to see how the Navy and Marine Corps combine their unique assets to create this winning team.
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