Today, the Secretary of Defense announced that the President has nominated U.S. Army General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, to be the next Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander, U.S. European Command. NATO has also agreed to appoint Scaparrotti as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. If confirmed by the Senate, Gen. Scaparrotti will succeed U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, who has held the position since May 2013.



STUTTGART, Germany – Today, the Secretary of Defense announced that the President has nominated U.S. Army General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, to be the next Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander, U.S. European Command. NATO has also agreed to appoint Scaparrotti as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. If confirmed by the Senate, Gen. Scaparrotti will succeed U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, who has held the position since May 2013.

Gen. Breedlove praised the nomination saying Gen. Scaparrotti is a superb match for the challenges facing NATO and the European Command in today's Europe.

"Today, the President nominated Army General Curtis Scaparrotti to be my successor as Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander, U.S. EUCOM. I cannot think of a more qualified leader to take these commands forward" said Breedlove."

"His experience as a commander at every echelon while facing incredibly demanding security challenges in our country's hottest spots give him the experience and skills needed for Europe and our Nation at this time. "Scap" is a superb match for the security situation in Europe as it is rapidly evolving and becoming more complex. I know our NATO allies and European partners will agree. I wish “Scap” success as he goes through the confirmation process and if confirmed, only the very best in this complicated and unique assignment” added Breedlove.

Gen. Scaparrotti is currently commander of all United States forces in Korea. For his current biography click here.

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