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CHIPS Articles: Department of the Navy Releases Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Proposal

Department of the Navy Releases Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Proposal
By Office of the Chief of Information - February 10, 2016
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Department of the Navy (DoN) released its proposed $165 billion (Base and Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)) budget Feb. 9 for fiscal year (FY) 2017.

This budget is part of the $583 billion (Base and OCO) defense budget President Barack Obama submitted to Congress on the same day.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget Rear Adm. William Lescher briefed media at the Department of Defense budget press conference about the Navy and Marine Corps portion of the budget.

This year's budget submission was guided by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson's Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority, which reflects the character of the security environment and accounts for the forces at play in the maritime system, the force of the information system and the force of technology entering the environment. It makes key investments in people, platforms, installations, and research and development, so that the Department of the Navy can execute the Defense Strategy.

The Department of the Navy focuses on increasing readiness and support for personnel in the new budget, by adding billets for base security and officer manning, providing a 1.6 percent pay raise, investing in Sailor 2025, and improving how the Navy matches sailors with jobs in the fleet to ensure the Navy attracts, trains and retains the very best talent America has to offer.

The Department of the Navy FY17 budget includes a $45 billion (Base and OCO) procurement budget focused on improving high-end capability across all warfare areas.

The FY17 budget buys seven new ships in FY17 including two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, two Virginia-class submarines, two littoral combat ships, and one America-class amphibious assault ship to prioritize stability in major combatant shipbuilding as the fleet grows to 308 ships in FY21.

Additionally, the FY17 budget fully funds the Ohio-class Replacement SSBN and maintains the Ohio Replacement Program as the Navy's top priority in strengthening naval power at and from the sea. The budget funds 94 aircraft in FY17. F-35 FYDP production increases by 13 aircraft from the PB16 acquisition plan, accelerating the 5th Generation Fighter transition. In combination with the five additional F-18s in FY16, two in FY17, and 14 in FY18, these investments help to mitigate the department's strike fighter shortage. The P-8 Poseidon profile reflects the plan to accelerate procurement of one additional P-8 in FY16, and maintains the production plan to complete the buy in FY19.

Reflecting the continued need to expand key capabilities to meet dynamic changes in the security environment of today, this year's submission includes $17.3 billion for research and development supporting the Navy-Marine Corps team of the future through technological advantages designed to counter adversaries in all environments and across all spectrums.

The Department of the Navy budget includes a $55 billion (Base and OCO) request for operations and maintenance, emphasizing the balance of today's needs with future priorities when operating forward in an ever-evolving security environment.

To view the proposed FY17 DoN budget documents, visit

Highlights of the proposed DoD budget are outlined at

The entire fiscal 2017 DON budget proposal may be viewed at:

For more Navy news go to: Navy News Service.

WASHINGTON (Feb. 9, 2016) Rear Adm. William K. Lescher, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget (FMB) Director, Fiscal Management Division, OPNAV (N82), delivers remarks during a press briefing following the release of the Department of the Navy's proposed budget for fiscal year 2017. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class George M. Bell
WASHINGTON (Feb. 9, 2016) Rear Adm. William K. Lescher, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget (FMB) Director, Fiscal Management Division, OPNAV (N82), delivers remarks during a press briefing following the release of the Department of the Navy's proposed budget for fiscal year 2017. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class George M. Bell

WASHINGTON (Feb. 9, 2016) The Department of the Navy released its proposed $165 billion (Base and Overseas Contingency Operations) budget Feb. 9 for fiscal year 2017. This budget is part of the $583 billion defense budget President Barack Obama submitted to Congress on the same day. The budget submission was guided by national level mission guidance that defines the missions the Navy and Marine Corps will execute as well as the dynamic operational environment. It makes key investments in people, platforms, and research and development, so the Department of the Navy can execute the Defense Strategy. U.S. Navy photo
WASHINGTON (Feb. 9, 2016) The Department of the Navy released its proposed $165 billion (Base and Overseas Contingency Operations) budget Feb. 9 for fiscal year 2017. This budget is part of the $583 billion defense budget President Barack Obama submitted to Congress on the same day. The budget submission was guided by national level mission guidance that defines the missions the Navy and Marine Corps will execute as well as the dynamic operational environment. It makes key investments in people, platforms, and research and development, so the Department of the Navy can execute the Defense Strategy. U.S. Navy photo
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