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CHIPS Articles: NAVSEA Wounded Warrior program surpasses hiring goals by 78 percent

NAVSEA Wounded Warrior program surpasses hiring goals by 78 percent
By Naval Sea Systems Command Office of Corporate Communication - February 8, 2016
WASHINGTON - Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Wounded Warrior program exceeded its fiscal year 2015 hiring goal by 78 percent with the onboarding of 711 veterans across the enterprise, NAVSEA announced Feb. 4.

The program seeks to matches service-disabled veterans with employment opportunities in NAVSEA's industrial, scientific, contracting and administrative fields. Internships offer the training and education for wounded warriors to excel in entry-level placements and advance in their chosen field. NAVSEA has approximately 60,000 positions at 38 different field activities across the country and overseas.

"Since 2009 NAVSEA's Wounded Warrior retention rate is more than 92 percent. That's also incredible considering that they are such high-character individuals. They're committed. They're loyal. And not just that - they're highly competent. We're not hiring Wounded Warriors because we feel sorry for them - NAVSEA isn't a charity. We're hiring them because of their demonstrated skills and commitment to serve," said NAVSEA Commander Vice Adm. Willy Hilarides.

The Wounded Warrior program works with hiring managers and Wounded Warrior candidates during the hiring process and continues to support Wounded Warrior employees through the Mentor, Assist, Train to Excel and Support (MATES) program. The skills and experiences of Wounded Warriors and veterans represents a rich resource of talent that can support NAVSEA's mission of developing, delivering and maintaining ships and systems on time, on cost for the U.S. Navy.

"Veterans are a highly respected part of our workforce, and paramount to the mission we serve every day," Capt. Ann Duff, the Wounded Warrior program manager explained. "Wounded Warriors are a valuable resource and NAVSEA is serious about hiring and training remarkable young men and women, into our civilian ranks who have already proved themselves in uniform, and giving them an opportunity to keep serving."

Since Wounded Warrior outreach began, NAVSEA commands have steadily increased both hiring goals and successes, hiring a total of 3,057 Wounded Warriors between the program's start in 2009 through December 2015, exceeding annual goals in all but one year. The program's hiring goal is established annually and equates to approximately 10 percent of all hires across the command.

To learn more about the NAVSEA Wounded Warrior program, visit the Web site at

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