New Integrated Product Team to Promote DON Mobility

By Dan Delgrosso and Mike Hernon - Published, August 13, 2012

The Department of the Navy Enterprise Mobility Integrated Product Team charter was signed by Terry Halvorsen,DON Chief Information Officer, May 15, 2012. The charter defines the process that the enterprise will adopt to assess and enhance the DON's mobility capabilities using wireless and other remote connectivity options.

These capabilities provide significant support to a number of business transformation and efficiency efforts, such as cloud computing and telework. The IPT is optimally positioned to address these efforts along with managing the unprecedented level of interest across the enterprise for new mobile devices and applications. With the IPT's establishment, the DON Wireless Working Group (DWWG,) which was the primary DON mobility forum since 2006, was disestablished.

Integration with DON Enterprise Governance

One of the more significant changes from the DWWG is that the IPT introduces a more formal relationship with DON enterprise information management/information technology governance. The IPT was established as the DON's designated advisory and action group reporting to the DON Information Enterprise Governance Board (IGB). The IGB was established in 2011 by the Under Secretary of the Navy as the most senior-level DON IT/cyberspace governance body, chaired by the DON CIO with membership including the deputy DON CIO Navy, deputy DON CIO Marine Corps, as well as other secretariat stakeholders.

IPT membership mirrors that of the IGB, but with representation at the GS-15/O6 level as opposed to the flag officer/senior executive service level. As with the IGB, the IPT will work in a collaborative manner, but unanimous consensus across the membership is not required for action. Additionally, representatives from the Defense Department, other military departments and other federal agencies will be invited to attend meetings to facilitate information sharing across the government including certification and accreditation documents that could reduce the time required to deploy solutions.


The charter delineates a broad range of responsibilities for the IPT, including managing and overseeing pilots; conducting analyses and providing recommendations to the IGB; evaluating related federal and defense department policy; identifying efficiencies; and providing technical advice and review for significant DON acquisitions that are primarily or substantially mobility related. From a business transformation point of view, however, the most relevant tasking may be the direction from the charter to: "Identify opportunities to improve delivery of government information, products and services through mobile technology." As such, the IPT is poised to assist business transformation efforts either in response to a request for input or proactively if a new mobile capability or application is introduced that the IPT could refer to an ongoing business transformation project.


Numerous use cases for new mobile devices and applications have been proposed across the DON. Most of these are directly or indirectly connected to a business transformation program. The use cases include business support systems, medical use, flight line, hangar deck and other afloat, airborne and ground tactical arenas. In each proposal, new ways of doing business in a more streamlined and cost-effective manner are highlighted.

All these use cases have merit — coordinating and prioritizing which proposals move forward is one of the IPT's primary tasks to avoid duplicative efforts. Many of these proposals also rely on devices or software not yet approved for use on DoD networks. The IPT can assist in working through the approval process or identifying alternative technologies that could deliver the same capability.

New Cellular Policy

In a related move, the DON CIO signed the "DON Policy on Mobile (Cellular) Services Cost Management" March 13, 2012.The policy directs commands to take actions to better manage and control cellular costs related to devices such as BlackBerrys, cell phones and air cards. In particular, the policy addresses zero-use devices, devices reserved for continuity of operations, pool overutilization (buying too few minutes), pool underutilization (buying too many minutes), international roaming and the use of BlackBerry tethering over air cards.

Analysis of actual use data across the DON indicates that significant amounts of money could be saved — up to 20 percent — by these actions without reducing the department's mobility capability. This is possible because much of the department's use of cellular devices has not been "optimized," in other words, buying only what is needed. Online portals provide telecommunications expense management (TEM) tools that provide commands the visibility and management controls to meet the goals of the policy. User guides and training for the TEM tools are also available. Interested parties should contact Fleet Logistics Center, San Diego at or visit the center's website for further information. Note that a Common Access Card is required.

While the mobile services cost management policy can be viewed primarily as supporting the ongoing IT efficiency efforts, it is also a critical part of enhancing the department's mobility capability. With tighter management of the department’s cellular expenses, the DON could actually expand its mobile capabilities at less cost. The enterprise mobility IPT will also use the TEM tools to monitor progress and compliance with the policy. A copy of the enterprise mobility IPT charter is available at

TAGS: Enterprise Services, Telecommunications, Wireless

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