DON IA and C&A Process CONOPS Signed

Published, May 26, 2009

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer recently signed the DON Information Assurance and Certification and Accreditation Concept of Operations (CONOPS).

This CONOPS provides guidance for the interactions among the Service Certifying Authorities (CAs), Service Designated Accrediting Authorities (DAAs), and the DON Senior Information Assurance Officer (SIAO). These interactions are based on the business rules stated in the Dec. 18, 2008, memorandum, Senior Information Assurance Officer Alignment and Responsibilities for Information Assurance and Certification and Accreditation Processes.

This CONOPS does not change the certification and accreditation process as implemented within the Navy and Marine Corps. The interactions among the service members and the service CAs and DAAs remain the same.

TAGS: Cybersecurity, DIACAP