DON Information Management/Information Technology Investment Review Process Guidance (v4.0)

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 10/01/09

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The DON IM/IT Investment Review Process Guidance v4.0 of Oct. 1, 2009, supersedes the DON IT Business System Certification and Annual Review Guidance v3.0 of Dec. 19, 2007. It reflects the changes in the Department of Defense certification and annual review requirements for Defense Business Systems (DBSs) promulgated by the DoD IT DBSs Investment Review Process Guidance of Jan. 21, 2009. It also reflects the changes in DON IM/IT investment review policy promulgated by DON CIO memorandum of Sept. 29, 2009, ("Department of the Navy Information Technology Policy Guidance for Fiscal Year 2010") that are effective Oct. 1, 2009, as follows:

  1. The requirements for submission of certification actions and annual reviews that formerly were required only for DBSs are now extended to all entities registered under the Business Mission Area (BMA) and the Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA) in DoD Information Technology Portfolio Repository (DITPR)-DON.
  2. In accordance with the July 31, 2009, DON CIO memorandum: "Release of the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture Version 1.0," all entities registered under the BMA and EIEMA in DITPR-DON will be assessed at least once annually against the latest version of the DON Enterprise Architecture (EA). These assessments will be conducted in conjunction with the reviews of certification actions and annual reviews of BMA and EIEMA registered entities discussed in the preceding paragraph.

TAGS: DADMS/DITPR-DON, EA, Governance, Investment Management

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