Designation of Mission Critical and Mission Essential Information Systems

SECNAV Memo - Publish Date: 03/28/01

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This memo is the delegation of authority by SECNAV to make "mission critical" and "mission essential" determinations for DON information systems, including National Security Systems. The DoD implementation of section 811 of the FY 2001 National Defense Authorization Act resulted in revisions to the DoDI 5000.2, including definitions of mission critical and mission essential information systems. The definitions also provided that a component head, a CINC or his/her designee could make the designation of mission critical or mission essential. This memo appoints system owners, program managers, and major claimants as SECNAV designees to make that determination. Since any IT system not mission critical or mission essential is automatically MS, this designation authority applies to the MS determination also.

TAGS: CCA, Compliance, Investment Management