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CHIPS Articles: Registration Now Open for Navy's First Career Development Symposium

Registration Now Open for Navy's First Career Development Symposium
By Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs - July 27, 2016
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The inaugural Navy Career Development Symposium will be held at the Virginia Beach Convention Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Aug. 16.

The symposium is designed to increase retention by informing Navy personnel of policy improvements and opportunities for making the Navy their career. The theme is "The Navy in 2025."

All local area Navy active, Reserve and Navy government civilians are invited to attend. Attendees will have access to 49 officer and enlisted detailers and community managers, representatives from higher education institutions, and representatives from the Sea Service Affinity Groups.

Keynote speakers include Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. Robert Burke, Executive Director and Chief of Staff, U.S. Fleet Forces Command Mr. Mark Honecker, and Chief Information Officer for Joint Improvised Threat Defeat Agency Mr. Leonel Garciga.

Commands are not authorized to expend travel funds, including lodging, transportation, and meals and incidental expenses (M&IE). Travel funding for those who are attending in an official capacity has already been coordinated and approved; all other travel is not authorized. The uniform will be service khaki for E-7 and above and service uniform for E-6 and below.

Attendees may register for the symposium and find more information at

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