Streamlined Process for Commercial Broadband Deployment

DUSN(M) Memo - Publish Date: 06/30/16

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This guidance streamlines the process for deployment and expansion of commercial broadband services on Navy and Marine Corps property.

SUBJECT: Streamlined Process for Commercial Broadband Deployment

Ref: (a) Executive Order 13616, Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment, of 14 June 2012
(b) 10 U.S.C. § 2667 – Leases: Non-excess Property of Military Departments and Defense Agencies
(c) 10 U.S.C. § 2668 – Easements for Rights-of-Way
(d) DoD Memorandum, “Department of Defense Commercial Mobile Device Implementation Plan,” of 15 February 2013
(e) ASN(EI&E) Memorandum “Streamlining Commercial Broadband Access on Department of the Navy Installations for Civilian Purposes,” of 16 May 2014
(f) SECNAVINST 2400.1A “Electromagnetic Spectrum Policy and Management,” of 19 December 2014
(g) SECNAVINST 11011.47C “Acquisition, Management, and Disposal of Real Property and Real Property Interests by the Department of the Navy,” of 26 August 2013
(h) 10 U.S.C. § 2695 – Acceptance of Funds to Cover Administrative Expenses Relating to Certain Real Property Transactions
(i) Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Ltr 1100 Ser 16U133198, “Designation of Authority as Agent for Managing and Establishing Requirements for Real Property,” of 17 March 2016

Encl: (1) Typical Broadband Easement Process – Major Actions
(2) Typical Broadband Easement Process Chart – Major Actions
(3) NAVFAC Asset Management Bulletin, Subject: Issuance of Outgrants of DON Property to Non-federal Entities for Wireless Communications
(4) Enterprise Tower Management
(5) Regional Navy Marine Corps Spectrum Offices

In accordance with reference (a), this memorandum establishes a streamlined Department of the Navy (DON) process to facilitate the deployment and expansion of commercial broadband services on Navy and Marine Corps property. To address broadband coverage and capacity at underserved DON installations, this memorandum also sets a goal for DON installations to meet or exceed national averages for broadband coverage and capacity. This improved process adheres to guidance in references (a) through (h) without creating additional Navy or Marine Corps operational or resource requirements.

As summarized in enclosures (1) and (2), the target process time from initiation of a commercial broadband provider’s request to final approval to begin construction/equipment installation is expected to be less than 12 months. Easements are the preferred real estate instrument for supporting commercial broadband providers on DON installations, as outlined in enclosure (3) and in accordance with reference (g). However, a lease may be awarded when an easement is not appropriate. The Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) for Navy installations per reference (i), the Marine Corps Installations Command (MCICOM) for Marine Corps installations, Installation Commanders and other appropriate entities may provide amplifying instructions to this process as appropriate to satisfy unique requirements. Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) may also provide amplifying guidance for processing real estate agreements. However, to the greatest extent practicable, any additional procedures should be performed in parallel to the steps shown.

To measure the success of this streamlined process, CNIC, via OPNAV, and MCICOM will submit an annual report to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and Environment (ASN (EI&E)) and the DON Chief Information Officer (CIO) by 1 December identifying the time required to complete each of the six major phases necessary for each deployment (initial contact through construction/equipment installation, per enclosures (1) and (2)). The report must include amplifying information to explain instances when the process for a given real estate agreement exceeds 12 months.

In coordination with ASN (EI&E) and DON CIO, the Navy Marine Corps Spectrum Center (NMSC) will review these annual reports to address process modifications and overruns, measure the success of this streamlined process, and perform continuous process improvement. NMSC will also assume responsibility for DON enterprise tower management, providing oversight and local liaison per enclosure (4).

Reference (b) governs the receipt and treatment of payments assessed for use of Government real property. Fifty percent of the proceeds shall be made available to the installation where they were derived, and 50 percent shall be used for enterprise tower management. Proceeds returned to installations may be used for facilities operation, maintenance, repair, and construction, per reference (b). Proceeds used for enterprise tower management may support facilities sustainment, repair, and maintenance of all naval superstructures used to mount antennae, such as water tanks, utility poles, and buildings. They may also be used for management of land and locations used to mount antennae, including cellular, broadband, land mobile radio, microwave communications, and radar antennae. Per reference (h), the DON may accept funds from an applicant seeking a real estate agreement for support of wireless broadband equipment to cover administrative expenses incurred by the DON.

ASN (EI&E) and DON CIO collaborated with local DON installation personnel and the wireless industry trade association, Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA), to ensure this efficiency initiative could achieve the desired results and meet all operational and safety requirements. Installation spectrum managers, as identified by regional Navy Marine Corps Spectrum Offices listed in enclosure (5), will serve as the initial contact points for commercial entities seeking permission to install telecommunications equipment on DON installations.

Assuring DON systems and personnel have adequate access to commercial broadband systems is not only necessary for future enhanced telecommunications capabilities such as enterprise mobility solutions, it is also an important aspect of quality of life for Sailors, Marines, and their families.

This guidance will be incorporated in future revisions to appropriate Secretary of the Navy instructions. The DON CIO point of contact for this effort is Mr. Thomas Kidd, 703.695.1978 or The ASN (EI&E) point of contact is Mr. James Omans, 703.614.5848 or

Signed by:
Thomas W. Hicks
Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy

TAGS: Spectrum, Telecommunications, Wireless

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