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CHIPS Articles: The Battle for Iwo Jima

The Battle for Iwo Jima
71st Anniversary
By Department of Defense Special Report - February 24, 2016
Seventy-one years after the Battle for Iwo Jima, the Defense Department remembers the courage and sacrifice of the service members who fought on the Pacific island, and those who gave their lives there with a special report featuring photo essays, video and testimony from veterans of the fight.

View the Special Report:

U.S. Marines participate in an Iwo Jima pre-invasion briefing, February 1945. The 8-square-mile island, about halfway between mainland Japan and U.S. bases in the Mariana Islands, was considered strategically important as an air base for fighter escorts supporting bombing missions against Japan. DoD photo
U.S. Marines participate in an Iwo Jima pre-invasion briefing, February 1945. The 8-square-mile island, about halfway between mainland Japan and U.S. bases in the Mariana Islands, was considered strategically important as an air base for fighter escorts supporting bombing missions against Japan. DoD photo

Five U.S. Marines and a Navy corpsman raise a flag on top of Mount Suribachi, Feb. 23, 1945. The iconic photograph, taken by AP photographer Joe Rosenthal and recreated in the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial, captured the second U.S. flag-raising atop the mountain that day. Photo courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration
Five U.S. Marines and a Navy corpsman raise a flag on top of Mount Suribachi, Feb. 23, 1945. The iconic photograph, taken by AP photographer Joe Rosenthal and recreated in the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial, captured the second U.S. flag-raising atop the mountain that day. Photo courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration
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