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CHIPS Articles: NEIC Receives Accolades for Maritime and Expeditionary Intelligence Capabilities

NEIC Receives Accolades for Maritime and Expeditionary Intelligence Capabilities
By Lt. Cmdr. Jennifer Cragg, Public Affairs Officer, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command - October 19, 2015
Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command (NEIC), based in Dam Neck, recently received accolades from the Department of Defense for their information dominance capability in maritime and expeditionary environments.

Capt. Jason Ansley, intelligence officer at Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC), emphasized the inherent value of NEIC's deployed Intelligence Exploitation Teams (IET) to NECC, the Navy and the Department of Defense.

"NEIC was officially stood up as a command in October 2007 as the Navy's first operational intelligence command and the Department of Defense 2014 HUMINT Collector Overt Team Award underscores their command as a critical collection and reporting platform," said Ansley.

The award cites IETs distinguished themselves while supporting Joint/Navy Component Commander requirements in five areas of operations worldwide in 2014. The award was presented to NEIC in September by Mark A. Assur, Navy's Senior Advisor for Human Intelligence and Counter Intelligence.

NEIC's mission is to provide tactical force protection, indications and warning intelligence enabling joint force maritime component and Navy component commanders to conduct missions across the full spectrum of expeditionary and major combat operations.

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