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CHIPS Articles: DoD Enterprise Service Management Framework (DESMF) Edition II Signed by DOD CIO

DoD Enterprise Service Management Framework (DESMF) Edition II Signed by DOD CIO
By DISA News - May 22, 2015
The DoD Enterprise Service Management Framework (DESMF) Edition II — a department-level information technology service management (ITSM) framework that provides guidance for management of IT services — has been signed by the DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) Terry Halvorsen.

The DESMF Edition II provides a set of standards for managing information technology (IT) services and establishes clear management requirements for the acquisition and contracting of IT services and capabilities across the department based on industry best practices. Contributions to the framework came from many DoD components as well as industry.

“The Department of Defense recognizes that efficient and effective management of information technology services is a critical component of the DoD Chief Information Officer Enterprise Strategy and Roadmap, as well as the success of the Joint Information Environment (JIE),” said Halvorsen. “Central to that principle is the application of a standard [ITSM] approach across the department for the quality delivery of IT services to the DoD customer.”

The DESMF Edition II builds upon the DISA DESMF Edition I and expands the scope from DISA-owned or adjudicated IT services to all IT services and capabilities provided by the DoD. The DESMF Edition II will serve as the basis for DoD CIO oversight of IT services as the department matures its ITSM capabilities.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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