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CHIPS Articles: DITCO — A Full-Service Contracting Organization

DITCO — A Full-Service Contracting Organization
By DISA News - May 11, 2015
DISA’s Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DITCO) is a full-service contracting organization. The DITCO team works to optimize Department of Defense (DOD) investments through the procurement of global/agile information technologies and capabilities. It supports national defense partners through timely, quality, and ethical contracting.

DITCO specializes in information technology, telecommunications, satellite bandwidth, combat support computing, and enterprise services, to include: enterprise licensing agreements, cloud services, mobility services, satellite phones, and desktop procurements supporting the DOD and various non-DOD organizations.

DITCO History

Originally the Defense Commercial Communications Office (DECCO), DITCO joined the Defense Communications Agency (DCA) — the Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) predecessor organization — on Jan. 1, 1963. At the time, its headquarters was located at Scott Air Force Base (AFB) in Illinois and it had three field offices: DECCO Europe, DECCO Pacific, and DECCO Alaska. It was on Aug. 31, 1995 that DECCO was renamed DITCO, which by then included a National Capital Region (NCR) office. DITCO headquarters shifted to the NCR in 2001.

DITCO Offices

Today, DITCO is part of the DISA Procurement Services Directorate, and it accomplishes its mission through the operation of four field offices:

  • DITCO Europe in Stuttgart, Germany.
  • DITCO NCR at Fort Meade, Maryland.
  • DITCO Pacific in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
  • DITCO Scott at Scott AFB, Illinois.

Each of these offices provides contracting support tailored to meet the specific needs of the mission partners served. In addition to the main offices listed above, DITCO professionals are stationed in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah, and Pennsylvania, as well as an overseas office in Bahrain — an extension of DITCO Europe.

DITCO Services

DITCO services include assisting mission partners with preparation of procurement packages, preparing and issuing solicitations, evaluating proposals and quotes, preparing and awarding contracts, administering contracts, and closing out completed contracts.

As a Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) organization, DITCO generates revenue on a break-even basis by charging a low fee for each procurement. The standard fee charged to mission partners is 2.5 percent. This is extremely competitive when compared to other fee-for-service contracting organizations. The standard fee for an enterprise license agreement ranges between 0.25-0.5 percent.

In fiscal year 2014, DITCO awarded 66,723 actions valued at $5.2 billion dollars.

DITCO Europe

DITCO Europe supports all mission partners in Europe, Africa, and Southwest Asia (SWA) including the DISA Africa Command, the DISA Central Bahrain field office, and the DISA Europe field office.

DITCO Europe played a key role in the agency's support to the Ebola crisis in West Africa. DITCO Europe — along with DISA Africa, DISA Europe, DISA Continental United States, DISA United States Transportation Command, and DISA Headquarters — delivered data, voice, and video services to the tactical edge to support Operation United Assistance. DITCO Europe quickly procured commercial telecommunications circuits that enabled command and control for special communication units on the ground.

Additionally, DITCO Europe has been pivotal in supporting recurring commercial leased circuits in Iraq and Afghanistan, and procured commercial circuits supporting the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) in SWA and Europe.


DITCO NCR supports mostly internal DISA customers.

Unique to DITCO NCR is its Special Projects Branch that processes classified contracts including classified telecommunications actions. Additionally, one of DITCO NCR’s specialty functions is its contracting support for the White House Communications Agency (WHCA), involving support to the president and vice president.

DITCO Pacific

DITCO Pacific supports all mission partners in the Pacific theater of operations and the DISA Pacific Command.

DITCO Pacific recently awarded the Defense Enterprise Computing Center (DECC) Pacific Information Technology (IT) Support Services contract and the International Maritime Satellite (INMARSAT) contract, a substantial transition effort.


DITCO Scott is the largest DITCO field office, supporting DISA and non-DISA DOD mission partners, as well as other federal agencies. DITCO Scott is DOD’s primary source for CONUS long-haul telecommunications and for commercial satellite communications (COMSATCOM) procurements worldwide. It also procures a full range of IT products — hardware and software — as well as IT services.

In addition to the ongoing awards of CONUS circuits and global SATCOM solutions, other recent accomplishments include award of a support contract for the newly stood-up Joint Force Headquarters - DOD Information Network (JFHQ-DODIN); the Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM) Sense and Warn (S&W) Contractor Manning for forward operating base locations within the U.S. Central Command; and the Global Interior, Outfitting, and Transition (IO&T) services contract.

The Mobility Team also recently awarded a General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative task order, consolidating all unclassified in-house wireless device requirements for DISA over the next five years.

More Information

The DITCO staff is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and assist in the preparation of a complete acquisition package. Additional information about DITCO is available on the DITCO website at

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