Implementing DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives & Realignment

By Lynda Pierce - Published, May 4, 2011

In the January-March 2011 issue of CHIPS, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer announced the DON CIO's role in addressing information technology/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy, in response to a memo released by the Under Secretary of the Navy Dec. 3, 2010. The Under Secretary directed the DON CIO to take the lead for this endeavor.

The DON CIO immediately took action, and in a memo issued Dec. 20, 2010, directed three specific DON IT/cyberspace efficiency initiatives: (1) charter and chair a DON IT policy and governance oversight board; (2) establish integrated product teams (IPTs) to tackle individual efficiency focus areas; and (3) publish a new Secretary of the Navy instruction that clearly articulates the roles, responsibilities and relationships of key stakeholder organizations within the information management/IT/cyberspace and information resources management (IRM) framework for the Department.

To coordinate efforts, the DON CIO, in partnership with the DON Deputy CIOs (Navy and Marine Corps), chartered the DON Information Enterprise Governance Board (IGB) March 1, 2011, as the Department's single, senior IM/IT/cyberspace and IRM policy and governance forum. This executive board is chaired by the DON CIO and comprised of senior Navy, Marine Corps and Secretariat stakeholders. The IGB will review, direct modification, approve or disapprove DON IM/IT/cyberspace and IRM enterprise initiatives.

The IGB established IT/cyberspace efficiency IPTs structured to enable department-wide solutions that leverage resources and best practices. The IPTs will identify processes and procedures to ensure alignment across the Department consistent with Department of Defense practices. The IPTs will work collaboratively and enable participation from across the enterprise to develop effective DON IT/cyberspace efficiency recommendations. They will also conduct rigorous business case analyses as required. If needed, the IPTs will charter working groups and tiger teams to accomplish objectives. The IPTs will report the status of deliverables to the IGB. Focus areas and lead integrators for the IPTs are:

  • Data Center Consolidation: Identify opportunities for DON data center consolidation and centralization. Lead integrator: DON CIO.
  • Application Rationalization: Identify common applications and tools needed to successfully enable business processes and improve the DON's warfighting capabilities. Lead Integrator: Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (OPNAV N2/N6).
  • Enterprise Software/Hardware and Software Commodity Purchases/IT Services: Assess and buy enterprise solutions for achieving the right investment decision for the DON. Lead Integrator: Marine Corps Systems Command.
  • Navy and Marine Corps Portal Environment: Develop a strategy and aggressive plan of action and milestones to implement an integrated Navy and Marine Corps portal environment. Lead Integrator: DON CIO.
  • Near-, Mid- and Long-Term Initiatives: Identify, define and recommend opportunities for IM/IT/cyberspace and IRM efficiency, effectiveness, consolidation, and/or centralization within the DON. Lead Integrator: DON CIO.
  • Current and Planned IT Acquisition Programs: Review existing and planned acquisition programs to ensure alignment and enable the Naval Networking Environment (NNE). Make recommendations to the IGB for changes to programs or requirements, which may be required to achieve the NNE. Stand up for this IPT is on hold. Lead Integrator: Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy C4I and Space.
  • DON Telecommunications Environment: Develop a strategic approach and provide recommendations to achieve significant telecommunications cost savings and operational efficiencies across the DON. Lead Integrator: DON CIO.
  • IT/Cyberspace Workforce and Training: Identify, define and recommend opportunities for increasing alignment and possible consolidation or centralization of current and planned DON IT/cyberspace workforce training. Lead Integrator: DON CIO.
Scrutinizing the DON's IM/IT/cyberspace and IRM portfolio is ongoing and iterative, aiming for sustainable operations in the most effective and cost-efficient way possible. The DON CIO invites participation and solicits any ideas naval commands may have to achieve a common, enterprise approach to meet the Department's operational responsibilities and provide the best equipment and systems to Sailors and Marines.

Lynda Pierce is the DON CIO chief of staff and DON enterprise IT communications team leader.

TAGS: Data Strategy, Efficiencies, Enterprise Services, FAM, Governance, NEN, Standards, Telecommunications

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