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CHIPS Articles: NCTAMS PAC Upgrades Satellite Communications Capabilities

NCTAMS PAC Upgrades Satellite Communications Capabilities
By U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. TENTH Fleet - June 1, 2015
Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Pacific (NCTAMS PAC) continues to increase strategic, operational and tactical communications capabilities supporting customers in the Pacific area of responsibility (AOR).

The Makalapa Technical Control Facility recently increased their extremely high frequency (EHF) satellite communications capability with installation of the AN/FSC-138 Navy Multiband Terminal (NMT) replacing the existing AN/USC-38 Legacy Terminal.

"This capability gives us the ability to provide operational warfighters a more robust, secured and battle-tested command and control, communications and coordination transport,” said Lt. Cmdr. Fredrick Crawford. “We are now capable of providing those real-time IP services, traditionally not available to our tactical warfighters.”

Located in the Commander, Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT) compound in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the AN/FSC-138 NMT directly supports the COMPACFLT Maritime Operations Center providing a more robust, assured command and control capability for missions including ballistic missile defense throughout the western Pacific.

The NMT accomplishes this by providing secure, protected, command, control and communications capabilities, providing physical and electromagnetic survivability as well as resistance to jamming and electromagnetic interference.

“Without a doubt, this upgrade makes NCTAMS PAC formidable operator within the Electromagnetic Spectrum," said Crawford.

The significant increase in capability from 1.5 megabits per second (Mbps) to 8 Mbps supports the exchange of tactical data, imagery, real-time video, common operating picture, and targeting information in keeping with agile communications and actionable information to decision-makers operating in the battlespace.

Upgrading from the Legacy AN/USC-38 to the AN/FSC-138 NMT has provided Makalapa Tech Control access to the advanced extremely high frequency (AEHF) constellation.

The AEHF constellation consists of five satellites that provide up to 10 times the throughput of the 1990s-era Military Strategic, Tactical & Relay System (MILSTAR) satellite constellation and a substantial increase in global coverage for the fleet and joint users.

The NMT is capable of operating with both AEHF and MILSTAR constellations for both low data rate and medium data rate services making it incredibly versatile and capable of meeting all mission requirements.

As the mission set continues to increase in the Pacific AOR, so will the ability of NCTAMS PAC to provide and operate capable information systems in the cyber domain.

With the latest communications upgrade, the NCTAMS PAC team of Sailors and civilians continue to set the standard of excellence for operations in the electromagnetic spectrum throughout the world.

For more news from Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet, visit

Information Systems Technician 1st Class Joseph Seeley and Electronics Technician 1st Class Cameron Otejen run initial tests on Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Pacific’s newly installed AN/FSC-138 Navy Multiband Terminal May 8, 2015.
Information Systems Technician 1st Class Joseph Seeley and Electronics Technician 1st Class Cameron Otejen run initial tests on Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Pacific’s newly installed AN/FSC-138 Navy Multiband Terminal May 8, 2015.

Information Systems Technician 3rd Class Cameron Evans performs the initial start-up of Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Pacific’s newly installed AN/FSC-138 Navy Multiband Terminal May 8, 2015.
Information Systems Technician 3rd Class Cameron Evans performs the initial start-up of Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Pacific’s newly installed AN/FSC-138 Navy Multiband Terminal May 8, 2015.
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