DON CIO Leadership Team

Published, June 30, 2011

The office of the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer is organized to align and integrate information management/information technology/cyber programs across the Navy and Marine Corps and focus Department-wide IM/IT/cyber efforts on warfighter priorities. Overall leadership responsibility is vested in the CIO, supported by one Deputy CIO each for the Navy and Marine Corps, and a Principal Deputy CIO who directs the operations of the DON CIO Functional Teams.

Department of the Navy
Chief Information Officer

Photo of Rob Foster. Click this photo to view the full biography of Mr. Foster.
Mr. Rob Foster
Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer (Navy) Performing the Duties of Department of the Navy
Principal Deputy
Chief Information Officer

Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer (Marine Corps)
Photo of Vice Admiral Jan Tighe. Click this photo to view the full biography of Vice Admiral Jan Tighe. Photo of Ms. Lynda Pierce Photo of Brigadier General Dennis A. Crall. Click this photo to view the full biography of Brigadier General Crall.
Vice Admiral
Jan Tighe
Ms. Lynda Pierce Brigadier General
Dennis A. Crall

TAGS: CIO Authorities, Governance

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