PII Resources for Commanders

By DON Privacy Team - Published, September 30, 2015

The links and bullets below contain information on PII, as well as resources, which are specifically useful to commanders.

The following are the top four PII handling mistakes that can be turned around with command leadership involvement:

  • Sending unencrypted email containing PII
  • Posting PII to publicly accessible websites, share drives, and web portals without proper access controls
  • Creating rosters containing SSNs
  • Failure to maintain positive control of PII (i.e., briefcase in locked car, open storage in office spaces
Recommended actions that can be taken to increase privacy awareness and compliance:
  • Conduct a command-wide privacy stand down
  • Conduct a command-wide PII inspection using the DON PII Compliance Spot Check List
  • Verify that annual privacy training has been completed by all hands, including contractors
  • Review and update the command privacy instruction if applicable
  • Get personally involved in your breach reporting process and ensure that corrective action is taken, when needed
  • Recognize components within your command for taking proactive steps to improve PII handling
  • Utilize the base newspaper, Plan of the Day, etc., to publish privacy information
  • Display privacy awareness posters
  • Distribute the DON PII Users Guide to command personnel
  • Ensure dumpsters, recycle bins and trash cans are properly marked using placards downloadable from the DON CIO website
  • Conduct random quarterdeck searches for PII
PII Resources:
Related Policy
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