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CHIPS Articles: NATO's Chiefs of Transformation Conference

NATO's Chiefs of Transformation Conference
By Allied Command Transformation Public Affairs - December 16, 2016
The 11th Annual Chiefs of Transformation Conference has reached a successful conclusion with over 500 participants from 50 countries.

The Chiefs of Transformation Conference provides a framework to discuss what the Alliance must do to meet the security challenges of the future, explore innovative concepts, exchange best practices amongst different militaries and identify areas of potential cooperation.

The conference is the vehicle to interconnect national transformation efforts, especially in the areas of capability development and training, with those of NATO. Decisions made today shape the future of the Alliance; clarity of understanding through a persistent scanning of the environment to build strategic awareness, sound analysis and output focused planning must be at the heart of NATO’s decision making. This is achieved through an open and transparent culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

“Transformation is not an end in itself, it is about enhancing today’s forces and capabilities, understanding and shaping tomorrow, and bridging the two,” said General Denis Mercier, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation and host of the Chiefs of Transformation Conference.

Adaptation and enhancement of the current posture are key elements of the Alliances’ enduring ability to deliver effective defense, deterrence and the projection of stability; ensuring NATO remains ready, responsive and able to meet its three core tasks of Collective Defence, Crisis Management and Cooperative Security now and in the foreseeable future.

This Chiefs of Transformation Conference was initiated in 2006 at the request of NATO nations. The conference brings together NATO and partner member representatives to demonstrate the unity of a strong NATO Alliance and project NATO’s influence in shaping the future security environment. The discussions at the Chiefs of the Transformation Conference help inform military decision making in 2017 and beyond. As the latest major security conference of the calendar year, the conference informs deliberations at the NATO’s most senior decision making bodies: The North Atlantic Council, Foreign Ministerial meetings, Defense Ministerial meetings, Military Committee meetings and, in 2017, a NATO mini-Summit.

NATO’s home in North America, Allied Command Transformation, brings together military personnel, Allied and Partner nations to contribute to international security and international stability. The Command is estimated to contribute $100 million to the local economy every year.

You can follow Allied Command Transformation activities at and by following the handle @NATO_ACT.

Chiefs of Transformation Conference
Chiefs of Transformation Conference
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