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CHIPS Articles: CNO to Host World's Largest Maritime Conference

CNO to Host World's Largest Maritime Conference
By Chief of Naval Operations Public Affairs - September 1, 2016
NEWPORT, R.I. (NNS) -- Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. John Richardson will host the 22nd International Seapower Symposium (ISS-22) Sept. 21-23 at the U.S. Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island.

Senior representatives from more than 110 countries, including many of their senior-most navy and coast guard officers, are expected to attend this biennial event.

"The world has become globalized to an unprecedented degree. Maritime traffic fuels the global economy; both cooperation and competition are growing at record pace," said Richardson. "Amidst this record pace of change, ISS with its theme of "Stronger Maritime Partners" aims to deepen relationships with our network of international Navies and Coast Guards."

"Contributions from all Navies - blue water Navies, regional security exporters, choke point guardians and coastal Navies- are needed for maritime security. More than 80 Chiefs of Navy and 15 Chiefs of Coast Guard will gather to discuss the continued protection of open and free sea lanes," said CNO.

First held in 1969, ISS has become the largest gathering of maritime leaders in history. The symposium provides a forum for senior international leaders to create and solidify solutions to shared challenges and threats in ways that are in the interests of individual nations.

Richardson and Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus will kick off the event with opening remarks on Sept. 21 in NWC's Spruance Auditorium. Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work and Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Paul Zunkunft will also address the symposium during the week.

ISS is the world's capstone seapower conference, bringing together navy leaders from around the world to exchange ideas and broaden our international partnerships.

Representatives from participating countries are providing briefings, participating in panel discussions, and contributing to seminar sessions addressing regional and global maritime issues. The symposium's breakout sessions are organized by region to encourage attendees to develop practical initiatives that will be pursued over the next two years.

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NEWPORT, R.I. (July 30, 2015) U.S. Naval War College's (NWC) Luce Hall located at Naval Station Newport in Newport, Rhode Island. Named after NWC's first president, Rear Adm. Stephen B. Luce, Luce Hall was built in 1892 and is a national historic landmark. Luce founded NWC's study of strategy, tactics, and operations based on a core of history. His lectures, readings, and seminars transformed from a month-long course to an intensive one-year professional naval study. Luce Hall now houses NWC's Naval Command College and College of International Programs.  U.S. Navy photo by Haley Nace/Released
NEWPORT, R.I. (July 30, 2015) U.S. Naval War College's (NWC) Luce Hall located at Naval Station Newport in Newport, Rhode Island. Named after NWC's first president, Rear Adm. Stephen B. Luce, Luce Hall was built in 1892 and is a national historic landmark. Luce founded NWC's study of strategy, tactics, and operations based on a core of history. His lectures, readings, and seminars transformed from a month-long course to an intensive one-year professional naval study. Luce Hall now houses NWC's Naval Command College and College of International Programs. U.S. Navy photo by Haley Nace/Released
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