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CHIPS Articles: BUPERS Reduces SSN Use

BUPERS Reduces SSN Use
By Steve Muck and Steve Daughety - January-March 2014
The Department of the Navy continues to take steps to eliminate the unnecessary collection and use of Social Security numbers (SSNs) in business processes involving rosters, memorandums, letters, forms, information technology (IT) systems, and more. Success stories are brought to the department’s attention on a regular basis as much work has been done to reduce the use of SSNs in IT systems and forms.

Beginning Oct. 1, 2015, memorandums, letters, spreadsheets, hard copy lists, electronic lists and surveys that collect, use or maintain SSNs must meet acceptable use criteria, as well as other required Privacy Act considerations. Continued use must be documented and justified in a process similar to the requirements for official forms and IT systems, such as in a memo signed by a flag officer, member of the Senior Executive Service, or an individual given signature authority.

The Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) recently championed the elimination of the use of SSNs in the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). NSIPS is the Navy's business solution to human resource management for approximately 400,000 Sailors worldwide. It tracks a personnel record from accession to departure from Navy service. The Electronic Service Record's (ESR) self-service access capability allows the member to request leave electronically, and allows leadership to review and approve the member's electronic leave (eLeave) form online.

BUPERS has successfully removed the display of full and partial SSNs from all eLeave reports. This change to NSIPS will reduce the potential exposure of sensitive personally identifiable information and the opportunity for identity theft or fraud to be committed against our Sailors.

As more success stories are received they will be shared and highlighted in future articles.

Additional information on the DON SSN Reduction Program can be found on the DON CIO website at

Steve Muck is the privacy lead for the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer.

Steve Daughety provides support to the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer Privacy Team.

FORT WORTH, Texas (June 12, 2010) Chief Hospital Corpsman Hugo A. Castellanos, right, a Reserve Component member assigned to Operational Health Support Unit, Dallas, Detachment F, works with Personnel Specialist 3rd Class Mukarram Hossain, manpower clerk at Navy Operational Support Center Fort Worth, as they review Castellano's Electronic Service Record.
FORT WORTH, Texas (June 12, 2010) Chief Hospital Corpsman Hugo A. Castellanos, right, a Reserve Component member assigned to Operational Health Support Unit, Dallas, Detachment F, works with Personnel Specialist 3rd Class Mukarram Hossain, manpower clerk at Navy Operational Support Center Fort Worth, as they review Castellano's Electronic Service Record.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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