Department of Navy Chief Information Officer

From the CIO
Robert Foster, DON CIO

Strengthening the DON’s Cybersecurity Posture

by Robert Foster - October 31, 2016

With increasing frequency, we read about computer networks being hacked — in both the public and private sectors. You may have been affected by one of the latest incidents on your own home network, the attack that brought several popular websites, including Amazon, Twitter and Netflix, to a standstill for hours. Though it did not affect our DON network, it is a compelling reminder that cyber intrusions are increasing in number and nature.

Privacy Tip

How to Obtain Military Personnel, Health, and Award Records

November 8, 2016

The DON CIO Privacy Office receives frequent inquiries regarding how to obtain copies of military personnel records, military health records, and award information from active duty military, veterans, family members, and members of the public. This Privacy Tip provides specific links and information to obtain such personnel records.

CHIPS Magazine

Featured Articles: October-December 2016

October 31, 2016

Still Using That Same Old Wireless Keyboard At Home?
David Tillman, Cybersecurity Director

What is "Insider Threat?"
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare (OPNAV N2N6)

Electromagnetic Spectrum: Battleground in Warfare Dominance
Thomas Kidd, Director, Strategic Spectrum Policy

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Fast Fact

Everything You Need To Know About Cyber Awareness Training

November 14, 2016

Cybersecurity and Information System Security Awareness Training is a Fiscal Year requirement for all personnel that access information systems on unclassified or secret networks. This means after Oct. 1st of each year, the training needs to be done again for that year. Each person can satisfy the training requirement by completing one of the following: Cyber Awareness Challenge, Cyber Awareness Challenge Intelligence Community, or IC-Intelligence System Security Awareness depending on where you work. Your local Information System Security Manager or ACTR will be able to tell you which training to take. ...

Featured News

DON IM/IT Excellence Awards Nominations Due Dec. 5

November 8, 2016

Nominations are now being accepted for the DON Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) Excellence Awards. Submissions are due by Dec. 5, 2016. The awards recognize the superior efforts of IM/IT projects, teams, and individuals in helping to transform DON information technology.

Register for DON IT East and West 2017

November 8, 2016

Registration for the DON IT Conferences on the West and East Coasts is open. The DON IT Conference, West Coast has been approved for Feb. 21-23, 2017, at the San Diego Convention Center and the DON IT Conference, East Coast has been approved for May 16-18, 2017 at the Hilton Norfolk The Main.

DoD CIO Releases DoD IT Environment: Way Forward for Tomorrow's Strategic Landscape

September 14, 2016

On August 18, 2016 DoD CIO released a new strategy titled, "DoD IT Environment: Way Forward for Tomorrow's Strategic Landscape." ...

DON Cyberspace (Cyber) IT and Cybersecurity Workforce - Who Are We?

by Chris Kelsall - September 14, 2016

Remember Clinger-Cohen and the original Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), when it was called the Information Technology, Information Management, Information Resources Management and Information Assurance (IT/IM/IRM/IA) Workforce? That was 10 years ago. Since then, the world has moved on to cyber and cybersecurity, with a lot of workforce definitions and titles coming and going - and staying....

DON Cyberspace (Cyber) IT and Cybersecurity Workforce Credentialing

by Chris Kelsall - September 14, 2016

With the publication of DoD Directive 8140.01, "Cyberspace Workforce Management" and Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Instruction 5239.20A, "Department of the Navy Cyberspace Information Technology and Cybersecurity Workforce (DON Cyber IT/CSWF) Management and Qualification," a new approach to education, training and Cyber IT/CSWF qualification will occur. ...