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CHIPS Articles: Navy Information Technology Service Management Office

Navy Information Technology Service Management Office
By Office of the Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (OPNAV N2/N6) - April-June 2015
The Navy Information Technology Service Management Office (NAVITSMO) is the Center of Excellence for collecting and disseminating international standards and industry best practices for use by IT managers across the Navy.

Established in April of 2012, the NAVITSMO coordinates and governs the development and execution of a customer-focused enterprise-wide approach to drive improved service quality and interoperability across Navy Enterprise Networks in support of Department of the Navy (DON) Information Management (IM)/IT strategic goals and efficiency initiatives.

NAVITSMO began as a partnership between the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for U.S. Fleet Cyber Command and the Next Generation Enterprise Network Program Office and, upon the standup of Navy Information Dominance Forces on Oct. 1, 2014, was realigned to the Type Command’s N46 directorate.

The Navy and ITSMO

NAVITSMO looks at current requirements and industry trends in technologies and IT service management, and works to develop guidance using standards and frameworks that the Navy can leverage, giving programs, commands, and projects an IM/IT baseline that saves effort and expenditures.

NAVITSMO’s vision is to provide a mission-focused integrated set of IT capabilities based on international standards and industry best practice, delivering quantifiable value to the Navy’s warfighter missions.

NAVITSMO focuses on five overarching functions: IT Governance, Service Quality Management, Strategic Communication, Process Architecture, and Assessment and Audit. These functions enable Navy stakeholders to improve their communication, enable positive and quantifiable control of the enterprise, improve their services and processes, align information technology with mission requirements, and provide measurable and assured delivery of quality and value to the warfighter.

NAVITSMO works closely with the office of the Deputy DON CIO (Navy), Fleet Cyber Command, the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, and the Navy Enterprise Information Governance Board to drive IM/IT efficiencies across the Navy.

Additionally, NAVITSMO chairs the DoD Enterprise Service Management Framework (DESMF) Working Group, helping to guide DoD’s vision for the Joint Information Environment (JIE).


  • Supports organizational change management through communications.
  • Champions the ITSM value proposition across the Navy Enterprise Network.
  • Develops IT quality and performance criteria tailored to mission needs.
  • Supports quantifiable Continual Service Improvement (CSI) efforts.
  • Provides guidance, support and tools for improved IT management & control.

Fast Facts and Figures

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988