GySgt Bond Receives Spectrum Leadership Award

Published, January 31, 2011

Gunnery Sergeant Brian Bond was recognized for his superior performance as the Spectrum Management Chief for Marine Corps Systems Command during the Department of the Navy Information Technology Conference, Jan. 25, in San Diego.

GySgt Bond, appeared via VTC from Afghanistan to accept the John J. Lussier Electromagnetic Spectrum Leadership Award presented by DON Chief Information Officer Terry Halvorsen and Col Jim Dillon, HQMC C4.

GySgt Bond was honored for the dedication and leadership he has demonstrated educating program managers and project officers in spectrum management techniques and procedures. His efforts have significantly improved the Marine Corps' spectrum certification process. GySgt Bond provided guidance and training to engineers on how to generate equipment certifications mandated by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. He also implemented a process that helped identify the standard data required to complete these certifications, which told the vendors what information was required up front.

Additionally, GySgt Bond ensures that as programs develop their initial program support plan, they include a spectrum supportability risk assessment, which allows the program manager to see what possible interference their system may cause or receive from existing equipment. GySgt Bond's contributions have made a lasting impact on the Marine Corps acquisition community and the Fleet Marine Force by helping more systems gain certification before being delivered, which enhances the warfighters' ability to train as they fight.

The John J. Lussier Electromagnetic Spectrum Leadership Award is named for the former DON Principal Deputy Chief Information Officer who lost his courageous battle with cancer in June 2009. Lussier was an advocate for protecting the DON's equities in the electromagnetic spectrum and advanced the DON's strategic vision for spectrum. This award is presented to an individual who demonstrates superior achievement in Navy and Marine Corps electromagnetic spectrum management and use.

TAGS: Awards, Spectrum

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