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CHIPS Articles: Corry Station Information Warfare Students Depart for the Holidays

Corry Station Information Warfare Students Depart for the Holidays
By Petty Officer 2nd Class Taylor L. Jackson, Center for Information Warfare Training Public Affairs - December 19, 2016
PENSACOLA, Fla. - Students from Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station departed the schoolhouse for a scheduled holiday leave period, Dec. 16.

IWTC Corry Station divided the holiday season into two two-week time slots, ensuring all students received the opportunity to take leave if they chose to do so. Before releasing nearly 2,000 student for the holidays, the schoolhouse's staff ensured they were all properly prepared for their travel and reminded of the possible safety risks involved.

"We held a safety stand down briefing with all of the students to go over general safety guidelines to more specific holiday safety," said Master Chief Petty Officer Eddy Mejias, senior enlisted leader at IWTC Corry Station. "We also wanted to provide as much assistance as possible when it comes to travel, and to remind our students that our command financial specialists were available to assist with any questions they had."

For many students, this holiday leave period will be their first opportunity to return home since they departed for boot camp.

"I'm looking forward to seeing my family again," said Seaman Branden Johnson, a student attending the cryptologic technician (technical) "A" school. "I'm looking forward to getting some time off from class to spend the holidays with everyone back home."

As nearly half of IWTC Corry Station's students prepare to get on the road home or catch their flight, the staff and instructors reminded them of their responsibilities and wished them happy holidays. "I want all of the students to enjoy their time on leave, and to stay safe wherever they go," said Mejias. "Remember to always uphold our core values and come back to us safe and sound so that we may continue to serve our nation."

Information Warfare Training Command Corry Station, as part of the Center for Information Warfare Training, provides a continuum of training to Navy and joint service personnel that prepares them to conduct information warfare across the full spectrum of military operations.

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