Custom Leadership Development and Training Solutions

Is your organization facing an immediate leadership challenge? Has a new initiative or reorganization forced you to find a new approach? Do you want to implement a new strategy to improve your organization's performance? Does your agency have a succession planning strategy that includes robust leadership pipeline of ready-now talent?

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management offers agencies a full range of leadership resources in addition to our training services for individual Government leaders.

  • Custom Solutions If your front line, mid-level or senior leaders need customized training or your organization requires a new focus on succession management or mission alignment, OPM's Custom Solutions team can help design a solution that meets your needs.

  • Leadership Coaching Individual coaching provides a sustained partnership between an individual and a coach to enhance the individual’s effectiveness in his or her organization. OPM’s Custom Solutions Team will work with you to craft a coaching program that benefits the organization and the individual leader.

Custom Solutions

The Office of Personnel Management's Custom Solutions Team works with agencies to develop solutions tailored to specific organizational needs. We can design a solution to satisfy a one-time need or form a strategic partnership to address ongoing challenges.

Drawing from decades of experience helping government agencies resolve human capital challenges, OPM's Custom Solutions staff works with agency leaders to:

  • Understand and articulate specific problems
  • Identify desired outcomes
  • Determine context and constraints
  • Design tailored programs and delivery frameworks
  • Execute leadership and workforce development strategies

Because we are government, we understand the distinct environment in which Federal leaders work; and because our programs are designed within the framework of Constitutional values, Public Service and the Executive Core Qualifications, they are uniquely suited to the needs of the federal enterprise.

Programs Tailored to Your Needs

Many agencies turn to Custom Solutions because they have specific needs; want to ensure a consistent developmental framework; are interested in fostering intra-agency networking and team-building; or have internal resources available that help to defray training overhead.

In all cases, the Custom Solutions Team develops and delivers products and services that help develop visionary leaders to transform government by providing:

  • Custom workshops to build strong leadership competencies

  • Team Development Programs helping work groups be more effective - especially across organizational or geographic barriers

  • Facilitated Planning Programs to focus on mission, budget, technology, strategic planning, performance improvement and other critical issues

  • Consulting Activities to build staff skills and develop an in-house capacity for organizational improvement

  • Organizational and Individual Assessments to help understand behavioral types, identify development gaps and foster optimal personnel alignment

  • Executive Coaching Services to support individual development at critical junctures, or to enhance overall performance

  • Succession Planning Services to build leadership capacity for the future

  • Long-term Executive Development Partnerships giving key personnel the tools for success 

The American People deserves a government that is committed to providing unparalleled value and services. The OPM's Western Management Development Center helps government work well by providing superior leadership programs that empower Federal employees to cultivate the skills, competencies and behaviors necessary to grow in their careers, perform optimally and meet the challenges of the 21st Century.

Get inspired with samples of agendas and solutions for your leadership development needs with our Capabilities Book.

Two hundred-plus courses and workshops have been delivered to more than 40 federal agencies and city and state governments.

Success Stories


Interested in talking to someone? Contact us at Custom Solutions.  

Last modified: Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:17 AM