Army Uses Gels to Study How Blast Pressure Impacts the Brain

Army researchers are studying the physiological effects of blast pressure on the brain to devise new ways to protect soldiers.

Army Uses Gels to Study How Blast Pressure Impacts the Brain Army Uses Gels to Study How Blast Pressure Impacts the Brain

DARPA Program Aims to Improve Undersea Communications

DARPA wrapped up the first phase of a program that develops temporary underwater fiber-optics communications networks.

DARPA Program Aims to Improve Undersea Communications DARPA Program Aims to Improve Undersea Communications

Army General Gets Closer Look at New Technologies to Make Soldiers Safer & Stronger

Army researchers showcase latest technologies to improve safety for soldiers and equipment.

Army General Gets Closer Look at New Technologies to Make Soldiers Safer & Stronger Army General Gets Closer Look at New Technologies to Make Soldiers Safer & Stronger

3-D Printed Drones Fly High for Army Researchers

Army researchers tested 3-D printed unmanned aircraft systems that were created on-demand for specific missions.

3-D Printed Drones Fly High for Army Researchers 3-D Printed Drones Fly High for Army Researchers

Wet or Dry, R/V Sally Ride’s Labs Support ‘Super’ Science

Data gathered from R/V Sally Ride will help the Navy better understand whale migration patterns to avoid putting them at risk during naval exercises.

Wet or Dry, R/V Sally Ride’s Labs Support ‘Super’ Science Wet or Dry, R/V Sally Ride’s Labs Support ‘Super’ Science

Lightening the Load for Warfighters All Comes Down to Research

The long-term impact of carrying heavy loads may cause wear and tear on the body, but researchers are finding ways to make things better.

Lightening the Load for Warfighters All Comes Down to Research Lightening the Load for Warfighters All Comes Down to Research

Army researchers are studying the physiological effects of blast pressure on the brain to devise new ways to protect soldiers.
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DARPA wrapped up the first phase of a program that develops temporary underwater fiber-optics communications networks.
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Army researchers showcase latest technologies to improve safety for soldiers and equipment.
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Army researchers tested 3-D printed unmanned aircraft systems that were created on-demand for specific missions.
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Data gathered from R/V Sally Ride will help the Navy better understand whale migration patterns to avoid putting them at risk during naval exercises.
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The long-term impact of carrying heavy loads may cause wear and tear on the body, but researchers are finding ways to make things better.
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DARPA is making the first production versions of a bionic prosthetic arm available to military amputees.

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Six reasons to stay away from the sugary beverages.
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The Office of Naval Research gives us a peek inside the R/V Sally Ride.
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