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CHIPS Articles: Gigabit Ethernet Data Multiplex System Pilot Class Graduates

Gigabit Ethernet Data Multiplex System Pilot Class Graduates
By Interior Communications Electrician 2nd Class Anthony Calcagno and Kimberly M. Lansdale, Center for Surface Combat Systems Public Affairs - March 30, 2016
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (NNS) -- The pilot class for the revised Gigabit Ethernet Data Multiplex System recently graduated after completing a seven-week training course conducted by the Center for Surface Combat Systems Unit Dam Neck.

The pilot class students are the first to be trained on the fourth Generation Maintenance Group and some will be stationed in a ship that utilizes the new upgraded software.

"GEDMS is a networking system that allows users remote control capability of equipment and indicates equipment status to primary watchstanders," explained Capt. Len Remias, CSCSU Dam Neck's commanding officer. "GEDMS is the central nervous system for all navigation, propulsion, and helm signals making it extremely vital to the ship."

Cmdr. Ken Nielsen, CSCSU Dam Neck's executive officer, explained the revision to GEDMS curriculum was centered on the addition of the 4GMG.

"The 4GMG for the GEDMS was designed to function as a diagnostic tool that monitors the integrity and functionality of the GEDMS network, Nielsen explained.

"The maintenance group software allows the technician to monitor and isolate faults in the network using several applications. These applications range from fault troubleshooting to configuration management. The 4GMG is currently being installed on all new construction guided-missile destroyers (DDGs)."

During the first three weeks, CSCS instructed students on the theory behind GEDMS and importance of the system to complete the ship's mission without interruption. Students were also introduced to the system and networking fundamentals that are involved in operating and maintaining a network this vital.

"According to student feedback, learning the history and essentials of GEDMS and networking provided them both a basic overview and deeper understanding of the system," Nielsen said.

The last four weeks involved students executing fault isolation in a laboratory environment with real time damage control scenarios. They learned user interface troubleshooting and how to properly utilize test equipment.

"This pilot course was a success," Remias said. "Learning time sensitive troubleshooting, understanding real world scenarios, and having hands-on experience with the system have helped these students become capable combat-ready Sailors for the fleet."

The Center for Surface Combat Systems mission is to develop and deliver surface ship combat systems training to achieve surface warfare superiority. CSCS headquarters' staff oversees 14 learning sites, including CSCS Unit Dam Neck, and provides almost 70,000 hours of curriculum for close to 700 courses a year to more than 40,000 Sailors. The training center uses a mix of blended learning comprised of instructor led classes, hands-on labs, simulation and computer-based training.

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