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CHIPS Articles: Former Directors and Vice Directors Return to DISA

Former Directors and Vice Directors Return to DISA
By DISA News - March 18, 2016
Former directors and vice directors of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and its predecessor organization — the Defense Communications Agency (DCA) — returned to the agency for a day of briefings and discussions on March 17.

This annual tradition, known as Former Directors Day, began in 2002. The event provides an opportunity to capitalize on the experience and corporate knowledge of the agency’s former leaders — soliciting insights that can be used to fine tune the agency’s objectives.

Army LTG Alan R. Lynn, director of DISA and commander of the Joint Force Headquarters – Department of Defense Information Networks (JFHQ-DODIN), spoke with his predecessors about the agency’s strategic direction and initiatives.

“Former Directors Day was a big win,” said Lynn. “We used the opportunity to showcase our new efforts. In the process, we gained insights and ideas for how to posture DISA and JFHQ-DODIN for success. It's a powerful partnership and we are truly fortunate to have their continued support.”

Four former directors and three former vice directors participated this year.

  • Retired Army LTG Carroll Pollett — DISA director from 2008-2012.
  • Retired Army LTG William Hilsman — DCA director from 1980-1983.
  • Retired Air Force Lt Gen Charlie Croom Jr. — DISA director from 2005-2008.
  • Retired Air Force Lt Gen Albert Edmonds — DISA director from 1994-1997.
  • Retired Air Force Lt Gen John Campbell — DISA vice director from 1998-2001.
  • Retired Army MG J. David Bryan — DISA vice director from 2001-2004.
  • Retired Navy RADM Elizabeth Hight — DISA vice director from 2007-2009.

Presentations and discussion topics included: an overview of the JFHQ-DODIN mission and operations execution framework; cybersecurity initiatives, such as the Joint Regional Security Stacks and the DOD Mobility Program; Defense Collaboration Services, and an update on spectrum.

From left to right: retired Air Force Lt Gen John Campbell, DISA vice director from 1998-2001; retired Navy RADM Elizabeth Hight, DISA vice director from 2007-2009; retired Army LTG Carroll Pollett, DISA director from 2008-2012; Air Force CCM Andrea Gates, senior enlisted advisor to the director of DISA; Army LTG Alan Lynn, director of DISA and commander of JFHQ-DODIN; Air Force Maj Gen Sarah Zabel, vice director of DISA; retired Army LTG William Hilsman, DCA director from 1980-1983; retired Air Force Lt Gen Charlie Croom Jr., DISA director from 2005-2008; and retired Army MG J. David Bryan, DISA vice director from 2001-2004. Not pictured:  retired Air Force Lt Gen Albert Edmonds, DISA director from 1994-1997.
From left to right: retired Air Force Lt Gen John Campbell, DISA vice director from 1998-2001; retired Navy RADM Elizabeth Hight, DISA vice director from 2007-2009; retired Army LTG Carroll Pollett, DISA director from 2008-2012; Air Force CCM Andrea Gates, senior enlisted advisor to the director of DISA; Army LTG Alan Lynn, director of DISA and commander of JFHQ-DODIN; Air Force Maj Gen Sarah Zabel, vice director of DISA; retired Army LTG William Hilsman, DCA director from 1980-1983; retired Air Force Lt Gen Charlie Croom Jr., DISA director from 2005-2008; and retired Army MG J. David Bryan, DISA vice director from 2001-2004. Not pictured: retired Air Force Lt Gen Albert Edmonds, DISA director from 1994-1997.
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