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CHIPS Articles: Calling All Innovators: the DON Wants To Hear From You

Calling All Innovators: the DON Wants To Hear From You
THE HATCH is open for ideas 28 Jul-28 Aug 2015
By SECNAV Innovation News - July-September 2015
Do you wish your training was more interactive?

Do you want to experiment with scenarios instead of reading about them on paper?

Virtual training and simulation have the ability to revolutionize how we train our Forces today and in the future. Ensure your ideas are part of the DON's future Virtual Training and Simulation solutions. Register for the Hatch and submit your ideas.

The best and brightest submissions will be included in SECNAV's Virtual Training POAM — which will bring your ideas to life within the DON.

"Innovation combines the ideas, insights, & resources of our Sailors, Marines & civilians in new ways to benefit the naval services," Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus said.

For more information on the Virtual & Simulated Environments Training Challenge, download the PDF.

THE HATCH is open for ideas 28 Jul-28 Aug 2015. Join the Department of the Navy Naval Innovation Network:

Virtual & Simulated Environments Training Challenge
Virtual & Simulated Environments Training Challenge
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988