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What Zone Is Your Sailor In?

What Zone Is Your Sailor In?

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What Zone Is Your Sailor In?

What Zone Is Your Sailor In?

A Sailor in the Green - Ready - Zone:

  • Remains calm and steady under pressure
  • Is confident in self and others
  • Gets the job done
  • Remains in control - physically, mentally and emotionally
  • Behaves ethically and morally
  • Sleeps enough
  • Eats well and the right amount
  • Exercises and stays fit
  • Uses alcohol in moderation, if at all
  • Keeps a sense of humor
  • Participates in activities and hobbies
  • Remains active socially and spiritually
  • Seeks advice and guidance
  • Helps fellow Sailors
  • Has healthy family and social relationships

A Sailor in the Yellow - Reacting - Zone:

  • Feels anxious, fearful, sad or angry
  • Worries excessively
  • Cuts corners on the job
  • Is short-tempered, mean, irritable or grouchy
  • Has trouble falling asleep
  • Eats too much or too little
  • Loses interest, energy or enthusiasm
  • No longer enjoys usual activities
  • Keeps to oneself
  • Is overly loud or hyperactive
  • Is negative or pessimistic
  • Loses mental focus
  • Engages in excessive behaviors (such as spending, computer games, Internet usage)
  • Isolates from shipmates, family, friends

A Sailor in the Orange - Injured - Zone:

  • Loses control of one’s body, emotions or thinking
  • Is unable to fall or stay asleep over a period of time
  • Wakes up from recurrent, vivid nightmares
  • Feels persistent, intense guilt or shame
  • Is unusually remorseless or emotionally cold
  • Experiences attacks of panic or rage
  • Loses the ability to remember or think rationally and clearly
  • Is unable to enjoy activities as before
  • Loses confidence in previously held moral values
  • Becomes obsessive
  • May abuse alcohol or drugs
  • Shows a significant change in behavior or appearance
  • Expresses suicidal or homicidal thoughts

A Sailor in the Red - Illness - Zone:

  • Has significant distress or impairment of normal functioning (i.e., Orange Zone stress injury symptoms) that do not significantly improve within several weeks
  • Has stress injury symptoms that worsen over time rather than improve
  • Has stress injury symptoms that return after improving
  • Must be diagnosed by a healthcare professional
Operational Stress Control Decision Matrix
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