Get Fitter When you play tennis it keeps you fit But in order to take the game to the next level players at the performance level must do gym work at all By being fitter a player is less prone to injuries Also the stagnating game could soar to the next level Here are a few areas that needs to be considered when working on the fitness Endurance Foot speed Flexibility Strength Explosiveness It is simple When your fitter, stronger and faster you’ll get to the ball in time Your will miss few shorts and you’ll out last your opponents V Clip of a few players who work hard with me in addition taking fitness classes My nephew Abhiram Aryan and Aarav
Back to the basics with Pranav 🎾😀 Sometimes it is better to learn properly When the mechanics are poor players get nowhere Pranav wants to improve his game Told him he needs to re learn proper mechanics He is so keen he gave a go to relearn everything again He had his first private lesson me me First 1/2 hour we worked on his forehand the second 1/2 hour we worked on his backhand We also worked on foot movements How to make adjustments to all different directions By doing so it becomes easier to run to the ball and hit more effectively This of course is work on progress He definitely understands hitting the balls and hitting the balls correctly I am very positive Pranav will improve a whole lot He now is scheduled to have one private and one group clinic with me His hand eye coordination is good V Clip of Pranav with his old forehand and a new found forehand, new backhand with various moments 😀🎾
From deficiency to efficiency 😜👌🎾 Hard working Whitney 😀👍🏼🎾 About 10 months she came to me She could get barely get her forehand hit with consistency This is because she was taught a topspin forehand when her basic mechanics were not firm enough Players must be taught proper fundamentals before specialty shots are introduced In my opinion it is wrong to say brush the ball when a student hits the ball out or into the net Yes at a different performance level we may suggest brushing up Whitney’s biggest problem was dripping the racket head around six o’clock Yesterday she barely missed a single forehand She even knows how to hit all three kinds A slice A top spin and the very basic one hitting it through Last month she won a tournament and reached the finals of the second she competed Comes from a very athletic family she will reach new height in tennis if she maintains V Clip of Whitney honing her forehand a few months ago 😀😀👋👋

Little Stuffs Matters 🎾😀👈🏿

Helping 12 years Aryan on shortening his backswing and hitting through
Good can become better
Aryan has a good forehand yet it can be better if we can shorten the take back ...
His timing will improve
He will have more control as well as more power hitting the ball
Easier to anticipate fast coming balls
The best less likely to injuries

Watch how I am using an additional racket to shorten his excessive take back

V Clip of Aryan working on his forehand 😀👍🏼👈🏿

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Technically Tiafoe had a good forehand before growing
His forehand looks awkward
This clip was when he was a little younger

Technical work done by Misha Kouznetsov across street from his house

Defensive skills for Abhi
It is important players practice defensive skills as well
Yesterday Abhi had to scramble a lot chasing fast incoming deep balls
It was intense feeding and lots of movements involved
Towards the end he said ...
‘My feet were burning’
He will play a fir Colin’s college and he’s already has wins against d1 collegiate players
Lost 20 lbs and move very well
Fitter and better he really is
He is an extremely hard working 18 years old young man
I guarantee he will not disappoint any one
You go Abhi
V Clip of Abhi honing his defensive skills with me
yesterday morning

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One handed backhand volleys for Lindsay 😀🎾
Sometimes change is good 😜🎾

I had Lindsay approach to the net for volleys and made her play volleys
I saw her struggle on her backhand volley ...
Asked how is your backhand volleys ?
Her answer was ‘Poor ‘
Told her if she was willing I could teach her one handed
I also asked her time how long would I take to introduce and teach her
When we were done with the progressions I was told it took just 13 seconds
We then practiced approximately 6 minutes and I asked Lindsay after ‘what do you think ?
Her answer ‘I like it’
Sometimes we as pros certainly much work on changing the mechanics when the old ways are not helping the students
Also very important it is a cooperative effort
And of course this is still work on progress
We tried this towards the end of her private lesson
I am positive she will be able play great one handed volleys in just a few weeks

V Clip of Lindsay with volleys before and after

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Tennis Talk

Can you CAN the ball in the run ???
A great trick to improve your volley

Shivika is a high performance player ( former junior number one in India )
I asked to trap the ball in the can

After this drill her forehand volleys became amazing
1, Good for balance
2, Shortens the backswing
3, Makes a player hit the ball more in the front

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Image may contain: 1 person, playing a sport, tennis and outdoor
Tennis Talk

Keep it simple
Work on your basics and make a healthy foundation to your game of T E N N I S
I guarantee you
you'll have more success and more fun in the long run

T O P - S P I N ?

If your basic fundamentals are good
This drill will be immense to help you learn and understand how to SPIN 😂🎾🙏

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Tennis Talk

Want TOP SPIN forehand or backhand ?
Try this, success is guaranteed
Use your racquet as a gadget and try this multiple times over and over again
No need for o...ther TOOLS
Suggested play level 4:0 and up USTA rating

If you play with no topspin you'll have some spin develop to give you the joy
If you have some spin then you'll have more spin than before
Enjoy the fun with top spin 🎾🎾😜

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Tennis Talk

HELPFUL suggestions that could

1, Simplicity Matters


My approach is simple
I tell them, let me see what are the good things you have and you bring what is missing we can work through the way
Of course as a teaching pro with years and years of experience I instantly see the deficiencies
Having a positive approach I experienced my students are more comfortable with me and often willing to change, improve and learn

2, Give them a choice

Show them the correct forms and show them what possibly they could be doing wrong
Either by video taping their original forms or with a gentle mimics of what they do wrong and ask them to choose
They will immediately say yes to the correct motions

3, Change ?

You cannot change old habits so suggest and tell them you're replacing them with a new do's

4, Practice !

Practice does not make a man perfect it is practicing correctly
So give some home work as well how to practice the new strokes and corrections

5, Positive Approach

Never belittle your students instead praise them every time they do correctly
Remember tennis is a very repetitive sport
So if done correctly it will definitely improve after some time

6, More than just feeding

Don't just feed the ball from the basket
Don't just hand tossed the ball only
Put yourself in that situation and see if you'll like it the way you're feeding balls
Kids as well as adults want to play and want to have some fun as well

7, Participate and be a team member

When picking up balls be part of the team
It's okay to order around be part of it together

8, Don't get distracted

Put your cell phones away if you can
Unless it's urgent
If you can switch it off that could even better

9, Don't be too theoretical

Teaching and playing tennis should be lots of fun
One of the problems we have is coaches try to be too scientific and theoretic
Long lectures dulls students and takes away their zest and enthusiasm
Our goal is to try to teach them to play so it is important we keep them involved physically and mentally not just mentally

10, Too many gadgets is not always practical

Gadgets are fun and helpful to assist players in improving
Suggestion: don't use too many gadgets at the same time
I remember when I lived in Germany
A pro took almost 1/2 hour to unload, set up and begin the lesson
After all we don't have gadgets when we are playing or competing on the courts

My last advice

11, Love

Love what you do and do what you love
Be passionate when you're teaching
Be genuine in wanting your student to be good, great and amazing
Feel fortunate if you're a tennis teacher
Doing what you love is a blessing

Find a reason and do
Not an excuse to not do

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Parents, please don’t Instruct during a game or practice: Your child is trying their best, trying to concentrate (as you suggested) amid the already added pressures of competing against another kid. Plus, more importantly, they are already under the instructions of what the coach asked of him or her…

Little Stuffs Matters 🎾😀👍🏼
ALLEY drill for Abhi

Yes we are working on his arm extension
Instead of telling him to correct his swing this am we set a target ...
Getting the balls in the alley is not easy if you swing goes everywhere
Abhi does not have this problem but we are fine tuning
He precious issues stepping too close
Take back with a scoop and little arm extension
Over the past two months he the improvement has been significant
This am we did a little more arm extension by urging him to land the balls
After this drill his backhand was amazing 😉
It is still work in progress
I am confident his backhand will become great in a few weeks

You go Abhi

V Clip of Abhi honing his arm extension
Guest coach bro Reggie
Thanks for precise feeding

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Ingredients some champions may need 😜🎾🙏

Image may contain: people playing sports, tennis and outdoor

Get Fitter
When you play tennis it keeps you fit
But in order to take the game to the next level players at the performance level must do gym work at all
By being fitter a player is less prone to injuries
Also the stagnating game could soar to the next level ...
Here are a few areas that needs to be considered
when working on the fitness
Foot speed
It is simple
When your fitter, stronger and faster you’ll get to the ball in time
Your will miss few shorts and you’ll out last your opponents
V Clip of a few players who work hard with me in addition taking fitness classes
My nephew
Aryan and Aarav

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Back to the basics with Pranav 🎾😀
Sometimes it is better to learn properly
When the mechanics are poor players get nowhere
Pranav wants to improve his game
Told him he needs to re learn proper mechanics ...
He is so keen he gave a go to relearn everything again
He had his first private lesson me me
First 1/2 hour we worked on his forehand the second 1/2 hour we worked on his backhand
We also worked on foot movements
How to make adjustments to all different directions
By doing so it becomes easier to run to the ball and hit more effectively
This of course is work on progress
He definitely understands hitting the balls and hitting the balls correctly
I am very positive Pranav will improve a whole lot
He now is scheduled to have one private and one group clinic with me
His hand eye coordination is good
V Clip of Pranav with his old forehand and a new found forehand, new backhand with various moments 😀🎾

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Little STUFFS Matters 😀
Rubber band for Clara

15 years old Clara with her new found forehand 😀🎾👍🏼


A RUBBER headband for quality shoulder turn
A few months a ago when Clara was just starting a beginner’s semi private lessons I used a rubber head band to enhance her shoulder turns
This morning I was watching how well she hits her forehands a needed unit turn
Often students have a hard time turning their shoulders on their take backs
You’ll see the racket going back before the shoulder turns
It is important players learn to coil and uncoil
Clara has come a long way
I am sure she will do great when the school tennis begins after the Christmas holidays
Athletic and young lady with an amazing attitude
You go CLARA
V Clip of Clara using the rubber band to improve her unit turn

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From deficiency to efficiency 😜👌🎾

Hard working Whitney 😀👍🏼🎾
About 10 months she came to me
She could get barely get her forehand hit with consistency ...
This is because she was taught a topspin forehand when her basic mechanics were not firm enough
Players must be taught proper fundamentals before specialty shots are introduced
In my opinion it is wrong to say brush the ball when a student hits the ball out or into the net
Yes at a different performance level we may suggest brushing up
Whitney’s biggest problem was dripping the racket head around six o’clock
Yesterday she barely missed a single forehand
She even knows how to hit all three kinds
A slice
A top spin and the very basic one hitting it through
Last month she won a tournament and reached the finals of the second she competed
Comes from a very athletic family she will reach new height in tennis if she maintains
V Clip of Whitney honing her forehand a few months ago 😀😀👋👋

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Little stuffs Matters 😀🎾👍🏼
Verbal Cues for Pranav 😜
It is very rewarding teaching kids how to play tennis
10 years old Pranav has played a little over 18 months
He game has come a long way although I do not get him regularly for his tennis lessons ...
Last week it was perfect I got to see him five days
We honed every part of his game
Worked on strategies well
Last night we worked on volleys
Instead of teaching foe to hit we worked on where to hit the ball
Kids learn quickly when they are having fun
As coaches we must not only teach how to fit
Where to hid, why, if, because are crucial as well
V Clip: Pranav working on his VERBAL
This is very helping
Kids really concentrate on hitting the ball with purpose
V Clip of Pranav working on his verbal CUES

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Little Stuffs Matters 🎾😀🙏
12 years old Pranav is athletic but he needs an overhaul with his mechanics
He wants to improve his game but if he doesn’t work on his fundamentals at one point it will stagnate
Basic fundamentals are crucial if you want to become good
Once the fundamentals are achieved players are literally making room for further developments ...
If you’re an adult make sure your techniques are taught well
Here are the advantages
More control
More power
Less likely to injuries
More room for improvements
More success and a whole a lot of fun

V Clip of 12 years old Pranav homing his game

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