When Diana Ross Played Central Park In The 1980s


In the summer of 1983, Diana Ross made one of the most legendary entrances to the stage in one of the biggest venues ever: Central Park. The show was free, but proceeds from the sale of promotional items (as well as television proceeds) went to the Parks Department for the purpose of building what would become the Diana Ross Playground.

Ross told the NY Times back then, "I'm a dreamer... I dreamed of building a playground in the park for some time, and now that playground is going to be a reality." While there were some obstacles in making it happen (namely, Ross's production company sending the city a financial statement that showed "no revenue and no profits"), it was eventually done.

It was also one of the most iconic shows to take place in the park, with the rain only adding to Ross's already dramatic stage presence. At the time, People reported that "Barry Diller, who produced the show with Diana, attempted at least half a dozen times to make her take shelter, finally convincing her 20 minutes after the unrelenting storm began." Before leaving she shouted to the crowd, "Do you love me? Then get out of the goddamn park!" (What followed was a number of arrests, injuries, and reports of muggings—"A total of 171 people filed complaints, most of them reporting beatings and robberies, the police said.")

New York Mayor Ed Koch, Andy Warhol, and Fran Leibowitz were among those who stayed until the end (in a VIP tent), and Leibowitz allegedly declared, "People like Diana Ross get enormous credit for doing what everyone else does... what did she do that was so great? So she got wet? So who didn’t?"

Watch below:

While she's not returning to Central Park, Ross will be nearby next year for a rare three-night appearance at New York City Center (131 West 55th Street). The shows will take place April 24th, April 25th and April 26th, 2017, with tickets on sale this Saturday, December 17th (at noon). They aren't free this time around, but you'll be able to purchase them for as low as $62 on City Center's site.

You can buy the DVD of the Central Park concert here—it features the original set, plus the next night when she returned to finish the show under clearer skies.