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CHIPS Articles: Navy Cybersecurity Communications Campaign

Navy Cybersecurity Communications Campaign
By Vice Adm. Ted N. Branch - October 22, 2015
NAVADMIN 239/15 - Publish Date: 10/13/15
This NAVADMIN describes how, starting October 2015, the Navy has launched a year-long communications campaign to create a culture where cybersecurity discipline is a high priority and a daily habit, protecting the Navy from the persistent cyber threat it faces.

SUBJ/Navy Cybersecurity Communications Campaign

RMKS/1. Every day the Navy is in an active cybersecurity fight against witting foes that are technologically sophisticated and well-funded. The Navy’s networked systems are an essential part of naval operations but their connectedness increases the potential impact of a cyber-event. Complacency about cybersecurity makes the Navy vulnerable to attacks that could significantly affect operations.

2. The cyber threat reaches beyond traditional IT networks to systems that affect nearly every aspect of the Navy's mission. Machinery control, weapons and navigation systems may be vulnerable, as well as the systems and networks supporting human resources, financial management, and logistics business processes. A successful cyber-intrusion anywhere in the Navy increases the risk that adversaries can move to other targets. Therefore, a mistake by one individual puts everyone and the mission at risk. Adhering to cybersecurity policies, directives, and best practices is commanders' business and requires an All Hands approach to protect the Navy and the mission.

3. This month, the Navy has launched a year-long communications campaign to create a culture where cybersecurity discipline is a high priority and a daily habit, protecting the Navy from the persistent cyber threat it faces. This campaign will provide information showing that the cyber threat is real, describing how adversaries succeed, showing what the Navy can do to defend itself, and spelling out the steps everyone must take to improve the Navy's cybersecurity. Campaign content will be delivered through social media, blog posts, printed materials, articles, videos, public service announcements, and other avenues. Your commitment to cybersecurity will protect the Navy and contribute to our cyber fight.

4. Every time you connect to or operate a Navy network or system, you are in the cyber battlespace. Think cybersecurity before you act.

5. Released by VADM Ted N. Branch, OPNAV N2/N6.//

For more Navy news go to: Navy News Service.

U.S. Navy cyber-threat graphic depiction
U.S. Navy cyber-threat graphic depiction
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