The Caruth Police Institute (CPI) was created by a primary partnership between the Dallas Police Department and the University of North Texas at Dallas in 2008. The University of North Texas System and the main campus of the University of North Texas at Denton provided support, and an affiliated relationship with the University of Texas at Dallas, which offers a doctoral program in criminology as well as assistance with research projects, is maintained.

CPI was funded with an inital grant of $9.5 million from the Communities Foundation of Texas, and focuses on fulfilling the complex research, career advancement, and leadership development needs of the Dallas Police Department. This puts the Dallas Police Department in the unique position of being a national resource for innovative strategies in policing. This venture signifies a bold new relationship between academia and major police departments characterized by cutting-edge research, education, and professional development services.

Featured Classes

Executive Leadership Series

This 16-day program is specifically geared toward majors and captains. This program seeks to emphasize the importance of leadership in an... Learn more »

Executive Leadership Series

This 16-day program is specifically geared toward majors and captains. This program seeks to emphasize the importance of leadership in an... Learn more »

Supervisory Series

This 15-day program is specifically geared toward newly promoted first-line supervisors/sergeants. This program assists new sergeants in navigating... Learn more »

Contact Us

Call us today at 214.671.3732 or send us an email at to learn more about CPI classes.

Dallas police officer

"This program takes the different dimensions a leader would need, and puts them all into one."

CPI Perspectives

Leadership Branding for Police Executives

One of the most useful exercises that CPI does with the police leaders in our programs is the personal branding module. We've found over the years that identifying a personal brand, something... Read more »

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A wide body of research has demonstrated that police officers are profoundly affected by their exposure to violence and the traumatic events viewed commonly as part of their job duties. Faced with stress, officers learn to adapt by incorporating coping techniques.