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CHIPS Articles: 2015 National Security Strategy

2015 National Security Strategy
By CHIPS Magazine - February 9, 2015
Statement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on the 2015 National Security Strategy released Feb. 6.

President Obama's 2015 National Security Strategy (NSS) provides a comprehensive blueprint for defending and advancing America's interests at home and around the world. It is clear-eyed about our nation's challenges as well as our strategic opportunities.

The strategy wisely calls for drawing on all the sources of our national power — including the unrivaled strength and resilience of America's economy, diplomacy, and military, as well as our values — to strengthen and sustain America's global leadership.

As the strategy makes clear, a strong military is the bedrock of our national security, and the Department of Defense stands ready to help execute the president's strategy. DoD leaders actively participated in the development of the NSS, which complements the defense strategy articulated by the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review.

Every day, across the globe, the men and women of DoD defend our nation, our fellow citizens, and our allies and partners. They assure our prosperity, represent our values, and help uphold a rules-based international order.

DoD needs the resources to continue doing so. That is why President Obama and I are urging Congress to end sequestration and approve the defense budget we have submitted for Fiscal Year 2016 — so that we preserve our ability to execute our national security and defense strategies, and maintain the military superiority necessary to underwrite America's global leadership for decades to come.

Download a copy of the 2015 National Security Strategy:

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