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About Us

Promoting Force Readiness Through a Commitment to Psychological Health

The Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control (NCCOSC) is dedicated to the mental health and well-being of Navy and Marine Corps service members and their families.

The major focus of the Center is to promote resilience and to investigate the best practices in the diagnoses and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). The center is a program of the U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine & Surgery (BUMED).

NCCOSC works to

  • build and preserve psychological resilience
  • provide service members, combat veterans and their families with educational programs to effectively address combat, operational and daily stress
  • reduce stigma in seeking mental-health treatments
  • facilitate evidence-based research in psychological health, especially in relation to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

All NCCOSC efforts are predicated on the importance of teaching Sailors, Marines and their family members to recognize and treat signs of stress before anyone is in a crisis.

NCCOSC Mission Statement:

Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control (NCCOSC) improves the psychological health of Marines and Sailors through comprehensive programs that educate service members, build resilience, aid research and promote best practices in the treatment of combat and operational stress injuries. NCCOSC initiatives are informed by science and provide measurable, wide-reaching results.

NCCOSC Initiatives

Psychological Health Pathways (PHP) standardizes the processes for clinical care programs that promote coordinated, evidence-based, high-quality health care.

Care Management Registry (CMR) is an electronic database used to monitor individual patients throughout their care at military treatment facilities.

Evidence-based curricula and programs in operational stress control are designed to train Navy mental health providers, line leaders and warriors at all levels.

Outreach to diverse military audiences provides resilience-building information and custom-built presentations to communities within the Navy and Marine Corps.

NCCOSC serves as a clearinghouse for evidence-based knowledge in the accurate diagnosis and administration of effective treatments for military-related stress disorders.

Research facilitation supports clinicians who lack the time, resources or experience to do research in important areas related to diagnoses and care for stress illnesses.

Contact Us At NCCOSC

Street & Mailing Address
Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control
34960 Bob Wilson Drive, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92134-6400

Public Affairs Officer
DSN 522.9977

DSN 522.6090


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