Mandatory Guidance Regarding Management of Department of the Navy Copiers, Printers, Fax Machines, Scanners, and Multi-Functional Devices

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 01/25/13

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This memorandum establishes a mandatory enterprise-wide Department of the Navy policy to improve management and use (including procurement and disposal) of all networked and stand-alone DON copiers, printers, fax machines, scanners (CPFSs), multifunctional devices (MFDs), and related consumables and support services.

Subj: Mandatory Guidance Regarding Management of Department of the Navy Copiers, Printers, Fax Machines, Scanners, and Multi-Functional Devices

Ref: (a) Executive Order 13589 of November 9, 2011, Subj: Promoting Efficient Spending
(b) Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Memorandum of February 17, 2012, Subj: Optimizing Use of Employee Information Technology (IT) Devices and Other Information Technologies to Achieve Efficiencies
(c) Under Secretary of the Navy Memorandum of December 3, 2010, Subj: Department of the Navy (DON) Information Technology (IT)/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment
(d) DoD Instruction 5330.03, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Document Services, Certified Current as of May 18, 2011
(e) Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy/Deputy Chief Management Officer/Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget Memorandum of 17 April, 2012, Subj: Department of the ijavy (DON) Information Technology (IT)/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives Metric Reporting G4idance

Encl: (1) Printing Best Practices

This memorandum establishes a mandatory enterprise-wide Department of the Navy (DON) policy to improve management and use (including procurement and disposal) of all networked and stand-alone DON copiers, printers, fax machines, scanners (CPFSs), multifunctional devices (MFDs), and related consumables and support services. The overall objective is to achieve cost savings by leveraging the established efficient procurement and managerial capabilities and processes of the Defense. Logistics Agency (DLA) Document Services to reduce use of stand-alone CPFSs, increase use of networked MFDs, and obtain associated consumables and maintenance at reduced cost. This policy applies to all DON activities and is effective immediately.

Reference (a) encourages all agencies to establish processes and policies to efficiently manage costs associated with printing. Reference (b) provides guidance for optimizing MFD and printer usage. Reference (c) directs the DON Chief Information Officer (CIO) to take the lead for implementation of effective and cost-efficient DON Information Technology (IT) enterprise initiatives, wherever practical. Reference (d) establishes DLA Document Services as the single manager for printing and high-speed/high-volume duplicating, and the preferred provider of document conversion and automation services. Reference (e) establishes a standard format for the DON Deputy CIO (Navy), and the DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps) in their reporting of planned versus actual cost savings.

To support the proper management of DON CPFSs and MFDs, the following is directed:
The DON CIO will:

  • Maintain a DON CPFS and MFD policy;
  • Monitor progress, cost savings metrics, and waivers; and
  • Assist in identifying and removing obstacles to achieving maximum cost savings.
The DON Assistant for Administration (DON/AA), DON Deputy CIO (Navy), and DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps) will:
  • Within 30 days of this memorandum's issue date, assign a CPFS/MFD manager and forward his/her contact infonriation to the DON CIO Lead, Mr. Don Reiter,, (703) 695-1972, and the DLA Document Services Program Manager, Ms. Kathleen Bedene, kathleen. bedene@, (717) 605-1736.
  • Within 90 days of the issue date, working with their respective CPFS/MFD manager and the DLA Document Services Program Manager, submit for approval to the DON Information Enterprise Governance Board (IGB) a CPFS and MFD Phased Execution Plan that includes:
    1. Plans to leverage CPFS and MFD assessments provided by DLA Document Services' online tool/site visit to the maximum extent. These assessments will recommend the optimal mix of capability to meet customer needs and drive savings by reducing the number of stand-alone devices, leveraging MFD cost advantages, enabling space reutilization, and using green initiatives to reduce energy consumption;
    2. Plans to transition all activities from the current CPFS and MFD baseline to the desired end-state; and
    3. Metrics for tracking progress from the current baseline to the desired endstate.
  • Within 120 days of the issue date, develop policy that includes:
    1. Direction to acquire, sustain, and retire CPFSs, MFDs and related consumables and majntenance support, using DLA Document Services for these capabilities exclusively; and
    2. A waiver process to ensure maximum adherence to an organization's command's DLA requirements assessment recommendations. The waiver process will require a compelling, validated justification to deviate from implementing recommendations from a DLA assessment. Copies of all approved waivers will be forwarded to the DON CIO Lead, DLA Program Manager, and the respective organizational CPFS/MFD manager and other points of contact (POCs) noted in the last paragraph of this memorandum, as applicable.
  • Report to the IGB quarterly on obstacles to achieving cost savings objectives. Include recommended solutions and progress achieved in overcoming noted obstacles. If warranted, participate in an Integrated Process Team (IPT) to resolve obstacles and monitor corrective actions;
  • Report planned versus actual cost savings metrics in accordance with reference (e), by adding a "CPFS and MFD policy cost savings" line to enclosure (3) of reference (e);
  • Adjudicate any end-user issues associated with the CPFS and MFD Phased Execution Plan; and
  • Implement Printing Best Practices as addressed in enclosure (1).
DLA Document Services will fully support the DON CIO, DON/AA, DON Deputy CIO (Navy), DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps) and their respective CPFS/MFD managers in the above actions by providing all required services to manage and deliver cost-effective CPFS and MFD life-cycle management. These services will include providing the appropriate best-value device solutions, responsive customer service, asset identification, requirements assessment, planning, testing, training, sustainment, and disposal.

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the following POCs, as applicable: DON CIO Lead, Mr. Don Reiter,, (703) 695-1972; Marine Corps Lead, Ms. Robin Thomas,, (703) 693-3488; Navy Lead, Ms. Andi St. John,, (571) 256-8512; and DLA Document Services Program Manager, Ms. Kathleen Bedene,, (717) 605-1736.

Signed by:
Terry A. Halvorsen
Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer

TAGS: Efficiencies, MFDs