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CHIPS Articles: Game On! Data Dilemma MMOWGLI Game Has Begun

Game On! Data Dilemma MMOWGLI Game Has Begun
By DON CIO Communications Team - April 7, 2015
The DUSN M Strategy & Innovation group's Data Dilemma (dd) MMOWGLI (Massive Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet) game has begun, and runs until April 17. Will you help determine how the DON should use data to drive mission success, fuel innovation, and adapt to the future?

Coming up with great ideas is just the first step towards innovation becoming real. How do we implement and execute together, breaking through old barriers blocking progress and putting new concepts into action? On Thurs. April 9, the game's theme is "Developing a Data Strategy." The dd MMOWGLI team wants players to explore ideas about dynamic decision making for the potential use of the data along with the management of the data representation itself.

Learn more about other MMOWGLI themes

Why Play? The Department of the Navy collects more data each day than the total amount stored in the Library of Congress, yet it does not have an effective strategy to share this information internally or with the public, thus preventing it from maximizing on recent open-data and innovation trends. The DON possesses vast amounts of non-mission related data — such as demographic, medical, energy, education, public safety, and financial — that other organizations are sharing with the public to promote innovation, transparency, and crowd-sourced problem solving, but the DON has yet to overcome cultural and procedural hurdles.

Information management in the Navy is still widely based on industrial-age practices of siloing information and sharing it only on a "need-to-know" basis, as many believe that sharing data increases the risk of cyber exploitation or attack. Developing a balanced policy that promotes the "need-to-share" data as the default position, while protecting critical personal or national security information, is at the heart of the Navy's data dilemma.

We want to talk about YOUR IDEAS: professional knowledge and practical experience, adapting lessons learned, all the way to your greatest imaginings. Help us understand and master the Navy's data dilemma: when can we share, when must we silo? This is your chance to help challenge our core assumptions and beliefs, examining transformative technologies that will shape our future.

Can we apply technology to perform great good while avoiding great harm? Can we fundamentally rethink how value is applied to Navy information? We want your ideas and suggestions.

In dd MMOWGLI, you will have the opportunity to:

  • collaborate with anyone across boundaries,
  • explore the potential of game-changing innovations,
  • play the idea that sparks a hundred more!

Every idea counts. We hope you will join us. Play the game, change the game!

Participation in dd MMOWGLI is limited to anyone 18 years of age or older. Follow us on Twitter @MMOWGLI to stay updated.

The dd MMOWGLI team

Additional points of contact: If you have any questions or comments about the research, or you experience an injury or have questions about any discomforts that you experience while taking part in this study, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Donald P. Brutzman,, +1.831.656.2149. Questions about your rights as a research subject or any other concerns may be addressed to the Naval Postgraduate School IRB Chair, Dr. Larry G.Shattuck,, +1.831.656.2473.

WASHINGTON (March 27, 2015) The Office of Strategy and Innovation, deputy under secretary of the Navy for management and the Naval Postgraduate School are seeking new ideas and perspectives to tackle Navy challenges. Players are encouraged to participate in Data Dilemma: Share vs Silo MMOWGLI (Massive Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet) from April 6-17, 2015. U.S. Navy photo.
WASHINGTON (March 27, 2015) The Office of Strategy and Innovation, deputy under secretary of the Navy for management and the Naval Postgraduate School are seeking new ideas and perspectives to tackle Navy challenges. Players are encouraged to participate in Data Dilemma: Share vs Silo MMOWGLI (Massive Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet) from April 6-17, 2015. U.S. Navy photo.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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