DON Enterprise Architecture Implementation Strategy: Establishing Foundational Elements

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 06/12/09

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This memorandum is part of a series of policy documents that articulate the DON strategy for development, management and use of the DON EA. As stated in this memo, DON CIO, Deputy DON CIO (Navy), Deputy DON CIO (USMC), Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition -- Chief System Engineer (ASN (RDA) CHSENG) will work together to create the following foundational elements:

  • DON EA Repository for authoritative architecture; DON Architecture Product Guide for establishing a standard architecture presentation across the DON, USMC and USN;
  • DON EA Classification to give guidance on how handle architecture information; and
  • Requirement of DON Deputies to identify subject matter experts to support the build out of the Segment Reference Architectures and Reference Models.
Progress of these actions will be incorporated into the DON EA Plan of Actions and Milestones and will be reported out to the DON Information Executive Council.

TAGS: EA, Strategy