Acceptable Use of DON Information Technology

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 02/12/16

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This memorandum updates the Department of the Navy (DON) Acceptable Use Policy and cancels references (a) through (c). Enclosure (2) specifies acceptable use of DON IT. The DON uses tools to monitor user activity and to implement varying levels of capacity/filtering restrictions. Communications using, or information stored on, DON IT are not private and are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search; and may be disclosed for any authorized government purposes.


Ref: See Enclosure (1)

Encl: (1) References (2) Acceptable Use of DON IT

This memorandum updates the Department of the Navy (DON) Acceptable Use Policy and cancels references (a) through (c). Enclosure (2) specifies acceptable use of DON IT. The DON uses tools to monitor user activity and to implement varying levels of capacity/filtering restrictions. Communications using, or information stored on, DON IT are not private and are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search; and may be disclosed for any authorized government purposes.

This memorandum is a coordinated effort between the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy for Policy (DUSN(P)) Security and the DON Chief Information Officer (DON CIO) as part of the DON's cyber/traditional security partnership for the protection of national security information and information systems.

DON IT resources greatly enhance our warfighting and business processing capabilities. Appropriately controlling access to, and personal use of, DON IT resources is a leadership issue. Commanders, commanding officers, civilian leaders and officers in charge must ensure users use DON IT resources in an acceptable manner and in accordance with policy. Adhering to this policy and instilling a climate of accountability combined with an effective command education program supports a solid defense-in-depth approach.

My point of contact for this policy is Darcee Branham, (757) 203-3741,

Signed by:
Robert W. Foster

TAGS: Cybersecurity

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